Page 9 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 9

In 2008, a team of researchers identified          to evolve, which at some point could pose
         335 diseases that emerged between 1960             a threat to humans. While the risk of
         and 2004, at least 60% of which came               pathogens jumping from animals to humans
         from animals. These zoonotic diseases are          has always been there, some, like rabies and
         linked to environmental change and human           plague, crossed from animals centuries ago.
         behaviour. The disruption of pristine forests
         driven by logging, mining, road building           Landscape changes
         through remote places, rapid urbanisation          The difference between now and a few
         and population growth is bringing people           decades ago, is that diseases are likely
         into closer contact with animal species they       to spring up in both urban and natural

         Major landscape changes cause animals to lose habitats, creating the conditions for the spread of diseases
         may never have been near before.                   environments. But we have created densely
         The resulting transmission of disease from         packed populations where alongside us are
         wildlife to humans is a hidden cost of human       bats and rodents and birds, pets and other
         economic development. There are just so            living things. This creates intense interaction
         many more of us, in every environment.             and opportunities for pathogens to move
         We are going into largely undisturbed              from species to species.
         places and being exposed more and more.            For all we know the coronavirus outbreak
         We are creating habitats where viruses are         is only the tip of the iceberg. There could
         transmitted more easily, and then we are           be zillions of pathogens that are yet to be
         surprised that we have new ones.                   discovered. By reducing the natural barriers
         Simpler systems get an amplification effect        between human and host animals – in which
         – we tear down landscapes and the species          the virus is naturally circulating – we are
         in degraded habitats are likely to carry more      creating the conditions for the spread of
         viruses which infect humans. There are             diseases ourselves. Wildlife everywhere
         countless pathogens out there continuing           is being put under more stress. Major

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #10 | APRIL 2020                                                              9
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