Page 66 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 66

Once Upon A Time | Advertising

           For a few

              dollops more

         An Indian brand whose mascot
         was a very Western cowboy, Dipy’s

         captured young imaginations.
         Prabhakar Mundkur looks back

          It’s November 1977 and I meet Dipy the Kid.       Lakme, Herbertsons, Sandoz and many
          Life was getting difficult. My pocket             others – what the ad industry has always
         money was Rs 120 per month. Actually,              called “blue chip” clients. I distinctly reading
         quite enough for a young lad to live by in         those words in the ad. Unfortunately, they
         November 1977, but not if you have to spend        were asking for five years’ experience for
         on cigarettes and the occasional drink. I          an Account Executive. Since then of course
         was getting tired of living off my parents.        the advertising industry has become very
         Those days, when you wanted a job you              lenient with their titles. Today five years’
         took recourse to The Times of India’s job          experience would qualify you to be some
         columns which were quite a few pages those         kind of Vice President. And an Account
         days. The size of the ad gave a rough idea         Executive with five years’ experience would
         of how big or important the company was.           definitely be called… Failure. The guy who
         I responded to a DCM ad, but the job was           hasn’t made it.
         located in Kota, not very attractive for a boy      Anyway, I decided to be cheeky and applied
         used to living in Mumbai. Then there was           to the ad. I said the only difference was that
         the National Productivity Council (wonder          daCunha was looking for the five years
         if it still exists) and the job was in Delhi,      backwards and I was looking for it forwards.
         which was better than Kota, but the thought        “So Mr daCunha would you please consider
         of leaving Mumbai was making me weak-              me for the job because I am looking for
         kneed.                                             5 years’ experience too.” The cheekiness
          And then as providence would have it, there       seemed to work with Sylvester daCunha, the
         was an ad from daCunha Associates, which           Managing Director of daCunha Associates. I
         boasted of great accounts like Amul Butter,        was called for an interview, which I suppose

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