Page 68 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 68





         Introducing an all-new monthly series – Communities. We kick it off with
         Minoo Shah writing on the very enterprising Gujaratis

         Those elite intellectuals who are reading this     Take for instance Jethabhai from Karamsad,
         article with forehead furrowed and brows           Gujarat, India who migrated on a student
         raised – phooey to you! What world are you         visa to USA in 1972. Jetha as fondly known
         living in? Are you even an Indian? Do you          to his Indian classmates at Trenton State
         know Gujaratis? Because if the answer is yes,      College shared a 2-bedroom apartment with
         no or maybe to the above then here are a few       3 other classmates. Duties were divided so it
         home truths that should clear the fog which        fell upon Jetha to cook. He did this with great
         I see billowing over your heads.                   zest and served varying varieties of khichdi
          A Gujju is genetically fostered from the          and ‘ringan-bataka nu shak’ (translated for
         Western region of Gujarat and has wandered         those whose culinary focus erstwhile has
         all over the globe and beyond with a few           been ‘chhole’ is an eggplant potato curry).
         priorities. Foremost, multiplying wealth and       Well, Jetha with great aplomb took his lunch
         raas-garba with food not too close behind.         (he was a vegetarian, you see) to the cafeteria
         This native inhabiting the land of milk and        and would eat it with his fingers with
         honey comes in many forms and shapes.              nary a care for the American eyes staring
         The one picked by scholars is the roly-poly        him down. He was typecast as a vulgar,
         bald-headed pot-bellied male sans an inch          mannerless migrant and treated as such
         of sophistication. Why? Because if you come        even by other fellow Indians. When he was
         across this species he probably owns about         not quite so politely asked to leave campus
         20 motels, 10 gas stations and has helped          within 2 semesters, Jetha not to be outwitted
         migrate an entire village to the USA.              took the rest of his tuition money (students
                                                            on I-30 visa status had financial aid for a
         The Student Visa Start                             year’s worth of tuition deposited into their
         Let’s look into some of the yet-to-be-released     free checking account) and made a beeline
         Wikipedia files.                                   for Hoboken, NJ. Hoboken, in the 70s was

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