Page 69 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 69
a Gujju’s mecca. It boasted of dilapidated the slumlord. How does this story end?
apartment complexes run by slumlords Well, Hoboken, NJ is prime real estate in
regularly seen on the 1st day of the month to the USA now and Jetha owns 20% of the
collect rent. This fit the Gujju mindset fine. commercial shopping strips there. Senators
There was no one within miles to see them in and Congressmen alike now address him as
their boxers on the balcony chewing ‘daatan’ Shri Jethabhai Patel. He still eats khichdi and
(toothbrush, if you will) while yelling to the shak with his hands and the only noticeable
balcony 2 stories below, ‘ala, dukaan ma thi change is he speaks Gujrati interspersed
thodu adu mara matey bi laavjey’ (bring with English. In that, while addressing
some ginger for me when you go shopping). Governor Chris Christie at a garba-raas
Jetha sought out Popat who hailed from function, Jetha said, “Hello Christiebhai,
Kadi (known to his distant uncle’s in laws everything ok ne? Bring your ‘baidi’ next
partners) and joined his 4 roommates in time and we will ‘rape’ her in a sari.” Last
their studio apartment. Such was life then heard, Christie is not to be seen in Hoboken,
that while 2 worked nightshifts the other he seeked the safer shark-infested pastures
2 used the beds and vice versa. Money of Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
was pooled and groceries bought with the
priority that each one would be able to send Dazzling With Diamonds
at least $100 home every month. Jetha’s Now let’s move on down South to California
simpleton enterprising mentality led him and the Shahs, not to be confused with the
to befriend the slumlord goon and he soon Shahs of Sunset Blvd, an Iranian reality
became the apartment manager himself. He show based in Los Angeles (this clarification
would collect the rent from everyone a week is for the common American on the street,
ahead of time. He would use that money to still bowled over by the different races
stock up on essentials and sell them to the cluttering their land stolen from – you got it,
apartment dwellers to save them trips (Jetha Indians!). Back to the task at hand, this sect
did not work, he lived rent free, cooked for of the Gujju community is well known for
his roommates and ran a business). their shrewd and 1,001 ways of multiplying
In 6 months along with his tuition money, wealth with other people’s money. And,
Jetha had saved up about $10,000. He savvy reader that you are on the other side
used this as down payment to buy the 10- of the hemisphere – Enter! the diamond
unit apartment complex with a loan from runners of Antwerp/Palanpore. With your
nose turned up you query in a very Britty
accent (cannot resist adding a cliché at this
point ‘saaley goray chale gaye bhokatey
kuttey chhod gaye’): ‘Now, now what is this
Antwerp/Palanpore conundrum?’ To those
not well versed in this vegan, eat before
sunset, donning a yellow tikka on your
forehead species, these are young Jain boys
in their teens who apprentice for distant
uncles in Antwerp (Antwerp, Amsterdam is
Food is an important part of the Gujarati diaspora palette the holy land for diamond merchants hailing