Page 15 - Seniors Today October 2020
P. 15
Anshuman’s journey to the US and back is a experience in teaching and research helped
twice-told tale of perseverance and success. her sail through the ‘mandatory training’
Born in Ahmedabad, he migrated to Kansas period of two years after which Karishma was
in 1977 for further studies in Industrial able to join her. Both mother and daughter
Engineering. Earlier on, his struggles were proceeded to make Belfast their home.
plentiful because of his ‘Gujlish’ (English Like most NRIs, she is nostalgic about the
parsed with Gujarati words). There were life she left behind but she feels it was most
many firsts like failing an exam because he opportune that she immigrated. Had she
was unable to understand the professor’s stayed back in India she would have leaned
accent or he, a Hindu Brahmin working as more on her family but the move to a foreign
a campus janitor because he did not want country propelled her to take ownership of
to put financial constraints on his parents. her life on her own terms. Amol and Swati Sardesai
In extraordinarily little time, he was living Anjali and Karishma After 24 years at the NHS Hospital, she The story of Amol and Swati Sardesai began
the American dream of a suburban life with recently retired as the department head of in the 90s as two passionate young collegians
weekends spent watching football amidst Anaesthesiology (a post she held for 12 years). living in Dadar, Mumbai. In 1998, throwing
family, friends, margaritas, and beer. She recalls facing her share of biases because caution to the winds, these two lovebirds
However, he yearned for a life of simple of the locals’ unawareness of the existence of with one child in arms dared to dream, and
living and high thinking. After fulfilling any other religion besides Christianity. In due set sail on an adventure that would lead them
his commitments towards his family, he set course, both Anjali and her daughter found to the far shores of United States and their
forth to incorporate in rural Gujarat, the acceptance and were heartily welcomed first port of call, St. Louis. Weathering the
core models of business excellence he had by the locals. Anjali visits India frequently usual hardships that fall upon people fresh
learned in the US. ‘Anshudada’s’ vision was to and her nostalgia is vividly visible in the off the boat, they forged on finally hitching
empower women and create self-sufficiency memories she evokes through her ceramics, their ‘horse and wagon’ in Houston, Texas.
within the agrarian economy by using locally but the permanence she seeks is in Belfast. They are a well-established couple with two
grown products. Today, his NGO saralvikas. Anjali Ceramics children set towards successful careers. Swati
org, (a foundation named after his mother Amol & Swati Sardesai – The Adventurers Sardesai (nee Korde) is a Professor at Houston
Sarlaben) is considered a model of success in Community College teaching creative arts and
graminudyog. His guiding beacons are his Amol is a Creative Director at Pennebaker,
father Krishnakant Desai, PhD, an educator Inc. Both have Black Belts in Karate and Amol
(fondly eulogised with ‘An era of education in has participated in the half iron marathon.
Gujarat has ended’ upon his death), mother While Amol has won international awards
Sarlaben and Mahatma Gandhi that help him for graphic design work, Swati has had her
balance his life in both worlds. watercolours showcased in different parts
of the United States including Houston’s
Anjali Kusurkar – Study in Perseverance Brigadier Bhonsale and family Amol and Swati Sardesai renowned museum district. They are both US
Anjali, daughter of Brigadier Bhonsale of BJ Medical College, Pune, and a career citizens with a penchant to dream even bigger
(Infantry Regiment, Marathas),replicates medical professional found it hard to juggle and when asked if the clock could be turned
the pioneering spirit of women that a career as a single parent on a meagre salary back would they do things differently they
succeed in the face of all odds. She had to of Rs 7,000 per month. She had no choice say, “We were born and raised in Mumbai and
make some difficult choices having been but to make a heart-wrenching decision. had friends from all over the world and as
widowed at a young age when her husband Leaving her daughter under the care of doting thankful as we are for those experiences, we
Dileep Kusurkar, a consultant anaesthetist, grandparents,she accepted a position in have created a peaceful abode here now and
succumbed to a heart attack. She, a graduate Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her considerable Exhibited Art relish our new memories.”