Page 37 - seniors today november 2020
P. 37

Kashmiri Mutton Rogan Josh                                                     Pic Courtesy: Hamiast
         dried Cockscomb flower powder, called              meat to paste of an exact consistency using
         Mawal, which are used to give that rich            a wooden mallet and the tree trunk of a
         red-ochre colour. The food is cooked in large      specific tree. Just imagine hundreds of
         nickel-plated copper vessels over dried            kilos of mutton is pounded as two of the
         firewood of a specific tree. The cooking           signature Wazwan dishes – the Rista and
         process is actually a long two-day affair –        the Gushtaba is made using this pounded
         not just because of the number of different        meat. Another example of tradition is the
         dishes or that some dishes require to be           Tasht -i- Naer - a copper wash basin and a
         cooked on a slow fire, but also the fact           copper jug used to wash your hands after
         that with time a particular dish acquires a        you are seated on the ground to eat. The
         distinctive taste.                                 Waza usually accompanies this ritual. This
          All cooking is done under the direct              has not changed for generations – perhaps
         supervision and guidance of the Vasta              to introduce the Waza himself to the guests.
         Waza. Just imagine, hundreds of kilos of            The food is served in a large copper plate
         meat have to be cooked in several dishes –         called the Trammi. Any 4 people share this
         to perfection. The kitchen is open-air and is      plate and is served heaped with rice and
         generally a 10–15 feet long brick and stone        is semi pre-plated. A few dishes like the
         fire-place. Fire-wood is used as fuel. Heat of     Tabak Maaz, Methi Maaz, and the Seekh
         such fires is very easily regulated for mass       Kebab come with the Trammi. Hence forth
         cooking. This is the skill of these Wazas          the meal is consumed in a specific order
         and they ensure that strict traditions, and        and the Waza will himself serve it from
         instructions have to be followed to the            a massive vessel. Starting from the pre-
         hilt ensuring only specific utensils only          plated dishes the Waza will serve it course
         which can be used - again approved and             by course and follow it up with the Rista,
         supplied by the Waza himself. There are            furthermore with some more meat items,
         specific people who are meant to pound             such as Rogan Josh. The finisher of the

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