Page 32 - seniors today november 2020
P. 32
sacred place inside myself that allows me to not have to become our reality. There are
connect with God, and brings me closer to many externals our society teaches us
an inner sanctuary. to chase: wealth, fame, power,six-packs,
trending outfits, latest gadgets, snazzy
cars, and fancy apartments.But as the law
of diminishing returns shows, the initial
pleasure, drastically reduces over time, a
phenomenon termed “hedonic adaptation.”
Money can’t buy us the vaccine that hasn’t
been invented, the freedom to be where we
want, or the comfort of a hug from a loved
one. A lot of the time our ideas about what
isa happy life, are not our own. They are
sucked in from other people, from television,
advertising, marketing. These are hugely
While pills and gadgets proliferate, what powerful forces that define what we want,
really matters is social connection. In how we view ourselves and what we would
cities around the world, balcony singing like to like. This pandemic has given me the
and workouts, and other creative ways space to excavate my authentic self from
to connect with others, fill the silence of under layers of cultural conditioning and
empty streets, helping people cope with other people’s opinions. In this solitude I can
coronavirus quarantines. It is heartwarming create music, even when nobody is listening;
to see people at their windows or on their make art, which no one will see; write a short
porches chat from a safe distance, leave story that no one will read; enjoying what I
food and other essentials outside their am doing instead of “rushing towards that
neighbours’ doors, help the neighbour with shining latest bit of mental bling,”has been
whom they had neve r before exchanged a an empowering life lesson.
word, and thus foster a community spirit Art, as Picasso says, “washes the dust of
and joyous social connection. We humans daily life off our souls.
are wired for close, nurturing relationships. For me, looking at and making art, reading
My friends and family are my lifelines. and watching films on artists is entering into
Being with friends is a gift that keeps on a world of carefree beauty.”I am no artist. But
giving. They are my unpaid therapists - as art, in all its forms, brings joy to my days. By
they say a good friend knows your stories experimenting, making mistakes and seeing
but my friends have lived them with me. colours and shapes dance on paper, lines
We have deep, meaningful 3am forming into patterns and designs, is wildly
conversations, comfortable silences; we liberating because there simply are no rules
laugh at ourselves and at the world, do crazy in art. Art celebrates the diversity of life
things together. Thank god for Zoom, Google and is enlivening, because it provides a safe,
duo, House party! non-judgmental environment to explore and
observe feelings throughcoloring, painting,
Power of Art sculpting and drawing. Enjoying or creating
The world’s opinions and approval does beauty is free.So knit, play an instrument,