Page 40 - seniors today november 2020
P. 40

both feasts invitees sit on the floor and are      that there were no facilities on board.
         served rather than self helping.                   Eventually the lake got polluted a little. I
                                                            wish Kashmir could return to those times!
         Sweet endings                                       The other memory I have is that of the
         For the dessert the only sweet (usually) in        annual picnic outing at the Badamwari.
         Wazwan is the Phirni followed by a cup of          This festival celebrating the almond
         Kahwa, the Hindus favourite is the Modur           blossoms is also the Kashmiri New Year.
         Pulav (a sweet rice infused with saffron, dry      The main venue is on the gardens below
         fruits, cardamoms and other exotic spices).        the imposing Hari Parbat in downtown
         Apart from this, you do have different             Srinagar. Some date this garden to the reign
         types of Halwa or Firni too. Kahwa is a hot        of the Sultan ZainUl Abidin (14th century)
         favourite with anyone and everyone as it           and so it seems that it is such an old
         helps digestion.                                   tradition. Heralding spring, the people of
          These feasts are now no longer served             all strata come out in droves and it becomes
         during marriage festivities or such                difficult to find an inch of space. Family
         occasions indoors, but also for picnics            gatherings have to involve food and what
         and general occasions too. There are               better than a Wazwan in those settings! I
         three very distinct types of venues which          remember that it was a treat to see the best
         I have enjoyed immensely partaking                 of samovars from all over from which large
         Wazwan. These are etched in minds of               quantities of flavoured Kahwa was drunk.
         most Kashmiris. The most enjoyable                 These samovars are heirlooms and come
         without a doubt is a dinner “Dunga Party”.         out on these type of occasions.
         A small rustic houseboat usually with no            Finally, I have attended many weddings
         partitions and large windows is moored             – some of known and some of unknown
         to the banks of the Dal or Nageen lake and         people. Such was the gracious hospitality
         awaits all guests. Once all arrive and are         of Kashmiris that the host who may be
         seated (on the wooden floor with exquisite         a relative of friends would welcome us
         carpets) the boat is rowed slowly. The spicy       warmly, knowing fully well that we were
         aroma of food, being cooked in the small           there only for the meal. Sadly, those times
         kitchens (some larger Dungas have that)            will never return and will remain very
         wafts across. Sufiyana music is the perfect        pleasant memories only.
         accompaniment (I am sure this is where
         the term Lotus Eaters came from as it is           Recipe for the authentic Kashmiri
         magical) as you hear the soft strains of Sitar,    Pandit style Dum Aloo
         Saz, & Tabla. Once the party gets boisterous       Take 10–12 equal sized potatoes and parboil
         the Chakkri songs start with impromptu             them (2 whistles of the pressure cooker is
         dancing. The Tumbaknar (an indigenous              enough)
         Kashmiri one-sided drum) heats up the               After they cool down, peel them and let
         evening even more, eventually culminating          them rest for 10 minutes
         in the Wazwan being served. The entire              Take a toothpick (note I am not suggesting
         evening is at least a 4 – 5 hours affair. In       the use of a fork as it does not serve the
         those heady days the youngsters would              purpose) and poke several holes across the
         smuggle many beer bottles not realising            potato. This step is very important as the

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