Page 44 - seniors today november 2020
P. 44
Do not skip your meals – No matter what Exercise for 15-30 minutes every day –
happens, make sure you eat on time and With all the excitement and cheer don’t
never skip a meal. And if you happen to forget to work out.Regular exercising will
miss a meal make sure that rest of your kick your body metabolism into high gear,
meals are on track. Festivities sometime helping you burn calories faster and keep
leads to over-indulgence that can send your your immunity strong. It will also help
healthy eating habits for a toss. Hence, plan you portion control and keep your mood
your meals ahead. Eating your meals on uplifted.
time is much healthier and well-balanced
instead of overeating or skipping your
meal. So be mindful.
Get enough sleep – Sleep is essential if you
Portion control is the key – Refrain from want to enjoy the festivities to the fullest.
over-indulging in everything at one sitting. When you are well rested you can function
Instead, break it down to small portions so well and stay strong. Even though you are
that you can eat throughout the day. The home this festive season, make sure you
idea here is to be mindful about your food get plenty of sleep. It plays a big role in
intake. You can have smaller portion of boosting your immune system.
healthy snacking such as a fruit, roasted fox
nuts, or a handful of unsalted roasted dry
fruits, a sweet dish made with low-fat milk.
This way you will satiate you urge and not