Page 47 - seniors today november 2020
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All About
Covid Tests
In the midst of the information overload on Covid-19 tests, Dr Alok Pal Singh
explains what is what
The topic that has taken over our lives and Diagnosis of Covid should ideally be
one which everyone in the world is worried confirmed with a laboratory test since
about is Covid-19 (referred to hereafter other viral infections like flu can also cause
as Covid). This is also sometimes simply similar symptoms.
referred to as Coronavirus, which can be If you do have any one of these symptoms,
misleading since other types of human you’re advised to see a doctor who may
coronaviruses also exist and cause the advise you to undergo a diagnostic test for
common cold among other things. Covid Covid detection. If you have none of these
is specifically caused by a new and novel symptoms but have recently have come in
strain of the virus that emerged from contact with a person who had Covid there
Wuhan, China in December 2019 called may still be a chance that you have Covid,
the SARS-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). but are asymptomatic.
As there is no proven specific treatment for The diagnostic tests available in your
this virus to date and vaccination is under local hospital or testing center may be for
development, our best strategy at present screening or confirmation of Covid.
is to avoid contact with someone who is The tests available for diagnosing Covid
suspected or has confirmed Covid. have differences in terms of targets in the
virus or human body, reporting times and
Possible symptoms performance assessed by the sensitivity
Suspicious symptoms of Covid include: and specificity of the test. Sensitivity is the
Fever ability of a test to correctly identify patients
Cough with a disease, whereas specificity is the
Shortness of breath ability of a test to correctly identify people
Tiredness without the disease.
Sore throat
Headache What tests are available?
Loss of taste or smell A brief description of the currently