Page 49 - seniors today november 2020
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serological test being developed by the
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi which
will not only be a ‘probe-free method’ unlike
the RT-PCR test but also cost a fraction of the
price. Additionally, this test is meant to be
for home use and it would not compromise
on the accuracy compared to the current
gold standard RT-PCR test.
Rapid antigen testing device. Picture: Abbott Laboratories N1-STOP-LAMP test, which is a rapid
molecular test which compromises slightly
3 Serology (IgM and IgG Antibody on sensitivity for being easy to use and
test) Unlike the previous tests this test isn’t giving results within 20 minutes. However,
used for diagnosis but is intended for use this isn’t meant to replace the RT-PCR test.
as an aid in identifying individuals with A new Oxford machine learning-based
an adaptive immune response to SARS- Covid test can provide results in less than
CoV-2, indicating recent or prior infection. 5 minutes with a high degree of accuracy,
It should not be used to diagnose acute without any sample preparation required
SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, negative and can be used for mass testing. It works
results do not preclude acute SARS-CoV-2 by labeling any virus particles found in a
infection. Here we require a blood sample sample collected by a patient using short
and the results will be available in less fluorescent DNA strands that act as markers.
than 30 minutes. With a sensitivity of The researchers anticipate to start product
around 93% and specificity of around 98% development by early next year, with the
it is the most accurate and yet not 100% potential of having the test approved and
reliable, so the ICMR has advised that if ready for use around six months after that.
patients test positive they have to undergo a The saliva-based or spit test that has been
confirmatory RT-PCR test before beginning said to not only be less intrusive and cheaper
treatment. but also deliver faster and more accurate
results. Trials for saliva-based tests are still
undergoing and are yet to be approved in
India for mass use.
Feluda Covid-19 testing kit is said to give
a test result in 45 minutes. It has been
developed by the New Delhi-based CSIR-
Institute of Genomics and Integrative
Biology (IGIB) and the Tata Group. It has
96% sensitivity and 98% specificity. The
Rapid IgG/IgM antibody test.
Picture: Feluda test kit is very similar to a pregnancy
strip test, in that it changes colour on
Tests under Development detecting a virus from a nasal swab.
New tests and methods are still being COVIRAP is another test that is being
developed to detect the coronavirus. developed by Indian Institute of Technology,
ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunoassay) based Kharagpur. ICMR has already validated the