Page 59 - seniors today november 2020
P. 59

Once Upon A Time | Advertising

         Utterly Butterly


          She’s a little girl of 54, and she will never age. The Amul mascot has gone beyond
          butter to become an indelible part of Indian life, writes Prabhakar Mundkur

         “Amul is the answer to your wishes, utterly        India went from a milk deficient nation to
         butterly delicious”. I can still hum the           a milk surplus one thanks to Dr Kurien,
         first radio jingle first created for Amul          and achieved the remarkable feat of making
         butter, now long forgotten by everyone. I          India the largest milk producer in the
         was anxious during my trip to Anand in             world. He also made a great success of the
         the winter of 1977. I was taking a trip with       cooperative movement which until then was
         Sylvester da Cunha (one of India’s original        riddled with politics and vested interests.
         mad men in the world of advertising),               But the great innovation for Amul was
         Managing Director of Da Cunha Associates,          that India, unlike other countries, had
         the ad agency for Amul, and not looking            mainly buffalo milk rather than cow milk.
         forward to the early-morning flight to             And skimmed milk powder had never been
         Baroda which meant I would need to reach           made from buffalo milk so when Dr Kurien
         the airport at 4.30 am.                            supervised this process, India became the
          This was my first job in advertising and          first country to do so because technology
         somehow Sylvester had already instilled a          was available only for making skimmed
         fear into me, common with young trainees           milk powder from cow’s milk. Later,
         in their first job. From the Baroda airport we     making cheese from buffalo milk was also
         were to take a taxi to Anand. I was overcome       considered a first.
         by the awe of meeting with Dr Kurien. For a         Dr Kurien had realised that the buffalo
         young advertising trainee a few months old,        lactates more in winter, producing an
         it was overwhelming to meet a man of Dr            oversupply of milk during the winter
         Kurien’s towering stature.                         months. Making other milk products
          Dr Verghese Kurien, better known as the           like skimmed milk powder, cheese, etc
         Father of the White Revolution, brought            was a dire necessity to prevent the excess
         dignity and fame to the concept of social          supply of milk in winter from getting
         entrepreneurship when it was not yet               wasted. Kurien established the GCMMF
         fashionable to be a social entrepreneur.           (Gujarat Cooperative Milk Manufacturers

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