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         The Grand Finale of

         Seniors Have Talent - Season 1

         Sa, Ra, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Na, Aa, Ja, Ha – The ten musical notes that filled the
         grand finale of Seniors Have Talent, Season 1 on Sunday, November 8

         Twenty super singers were selected to              by Jeeya Sethi – a stand-up comedian who
         showcase their singing talent for the grand        has won millions of hearts with her comedy on
         finale of Seniors Have Talent, Season 1. Ten       YouTube.
         were selected by popular choice – support from      The musical morning kicked off with some
         their family and friends via votes, and 10 more    kind encouraging words from the jury to all
         were selected by editor’s choice – our panel of    the contestants. Each contestant was given
         editors and experts. Over seven weeks of the       a musical note out of the 10 (Sa, Ra, Ga, Ma,
         singing competition we had the pleasure to hear    Pa, Dha, Na, Aa, Ja, Ha) by one of the jury
         some wonderful singers who have inspired           members. The contestants picked their choice
         many more seniors to join the musical journey.     of songs, the criteria were -the song had to be
          The grand finale was judged by eminent            from a Hindi film and should be between 3-4
         personalities –Dr Mukesh Batra – a pioneer         minutes. The show was virtual and thankfully
         of modern homeopathy and a passionate              none of the contestants had any connectivity
         singer. Vijay Taparia – a philanthropist, who      issue.
         supports education in the fields of Sanskrit,       The jury scored all the contestants and there
         information technology and medical camps,          was a tie between two contestants. While
         and is a committed musician. Deepa Gahlot          only 10 contestants were supposed to win, the
         – a senior entertainment journalist, who           competition was neck-and-neck, and finally we
         dissects each aspect of cinema in the most         had 12 super singers who won Seniors Have
         simplified manner, and as we know there is         Talent, Season 1.
         no entertainment without music. And the one         We present to you the 12 winners of Seniors
         and only Narendra Kusnur – born with a             Have Talent (in no specific order) and here’s
         musical spoon and an insider in the musical        what they had to say about their musical
         world of Hindi cinema. The show was emceed         journey.

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