Page 36 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 36


                                                                   Exercises for



         Effective resistance training can help combat muscle weakness in older
         adults, writes Dr Balaji Gandhi

         Dynapaenia, or muscle weakness, is a               Eight Easy Exercises
         common condition that affects older adults.        1) Clock Reach
         It is characterised by progressive loss of         You’ll need a chair for this exercise. Imagine
         skeletal muscle mass and strength and              that you are standing in the centre of a
         leads to physical disability and dependence,       clock. The number 12 is directly in front of
         poor quality of life, higher risk of chronic       you and the number 6 is directly behind
         disease morbidity and mortality.                   you. Hold the chair with your left hand. Lift
          The best way to combat dynapaenia and             your right leg and extend your right arm so
         its debilitating effects are through dietary       it’s pointing to the number 12. Next, point
         interventions and a regular moderate               your arm towards the number three, and
         exercise routine. Physical activity and            finally, point it behind you at the number 6.
         exercise has long been suggested as a              Bring your arm back to the number three,
         treatment to prevent and manage muscle             and then to the number 12. Look straight
         weakness. In particular, resistance training       ahead the whole time. Repeat this exercise
         is considered effective as it increases            twice per side.
         muscle strength by making your muscles
         work against a weight or force.                    2) Back Leg Raise
          However, it is important to choose                This strength training exercise for seniors
         appropriate exercises depending on your            makes your lower portion and lower back
         current condition. It would be best to             stronger. Stand behind a chair. Slowly lift
         consult a personal trainer before you start.       your right leg straight back – don’t bend

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