Page 32 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 32
17. Less Junk Food
Junk food is the best example of an
such as a diuretic,” says Dr Julian Seifter, a unbalanced diet categorised by a huge
kidney specialist and associate professor of proportion of simple carbs, refined
medicine at Harvard Medical School. sugar, salt, saturated fat and with very
Water keeps the body functioning properly, low nutritional value. These foods are
carrying nutrients and oxygen to your processed to a great extent where they
cells, flushing bacteria from your bladder, almost lose all of their vital nutrients, fibre
aiding digestion, normalising blood and water content.
pressure, stabilising heartbeat, cushioning
joints, regulating body temperature, and 18. Drop Maida Completely
maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.
Generally, 3 to 4 litres of water daily
are what you should aim at, for effective
16. Cut Down on Aerated Drinks
Nutritionist Anjali Mukerji says that
maida, the refined form of wheat, is very
detrimental to the body. It is fattening,
has a high glycaemic index (GI 71), and
people who eat maida consume twice the
number of calories as compared to those
Drinking high amounts of sugar-sweetened who eat ‘whole’ unprocessed, low GI
beverages such as cola can have various foods. Nutritionists and doctors usually
adverse impacts on your health. These advise us to decrease the salt intake if a
range from increased chances of tooth person has a blood pressure problem, and
decay to a higher risk of heart disease and to control ‘sweet intake’ in diabetes… but
metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. maida is a food which needs to be avoided