Page 31 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 31

wrinkling. The ideal nutrition marker              contain hydrogenated or trans-fats, which
         for overall health, is high blood levels of        are the worst kind of fats to consume. TIP:
         vitamin C. Foods rich in vitamin C include         Many people are resorting to making pickle
         broccoli, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange          at home. This way you control the type of
         juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper,        oil, (if at all) sugar, and salt.
         sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes.
                                                            14. Coffee
         12. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

                                                            Newer studies have found a possible
        Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with             association between coffee and decreased
        decreased inflammation. Omega-3 fatty               mortality. Coffee may offer some protection
        acids are found in many foods, including            against Parkinson’s disease, Type 2
        salmon, eggs, walnuts, and flaxseed, as             diabetes, liver disease, including liver
        well as leafy green vegetables, such as             cancer, heart attack and stroke. Coffee
        spinach. Recommended as part of an                  still has potential risks, mostly due to its
        anti- inflammatory diet, they are great for         high caffeine content. For example, it can
        arthritic patients.                                 temporarily raise blood pressure. Do check
                                                            with your doctor before you consume coffee.
        13. Less Oil and Pickle
         Indian pickles have a lot of sodium, due           15. Water
         to the presence of excessive amounts of            Staying hydrated is a daily necessity, no
         salt and oil. Foods that are high in salt          matter what the weather. But don’t wait till
         and grease are bad for the heart, increase         you’re thirsty. “Older people don’t sense
         levels of cholesterol in the body and are          thirst as much as they did when they were
         detrimental for our health. This is because        younger. That could be a problem if they’re
         depending on the oil used the pickle could         on a medication that may cause fluid loss,

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #18 | DECEMBER 2020                                                           31
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