Page 3 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

                                 The Top 50 Who Have A Say

         The year 2020 could be amongst the worst in        are other influencers who get paid to write
         recent memory. The pandemic notwithstanding,       favourable reviews of restaurants, foods, movies,
         a series of crises have also rattled us one after   brands. Advertisers pay them in the hope that
         the other. Politics has overtaken money as the     people who see their columns and posts will buy
         number one conversation piece. It has also         their stuff.
         divided friends, family and colleagues. There       This is of course apart from the “official”
         has been immense polarisation and we are now       celebrities – actors, musicians etc who have
         a society divided on religious and caste lines     large followings on their Instagram, Twitter and
         fighting for quotas, reservations, and other       YouTube channels. Even if one dismisses them
         benefits. Whereas earlier, money/finance was       as obvious brand spokespeople, the fact remains
         the number one topic of discussion followed by     that they have a strong influence on what we
         sex, relationships, religion and health.           think about, consume and of course discuss. So
          For seniors, money is a critical part of our lives;   in that respect, influential people can – subtly or
         it gives us freedom, security, and opportunity.    otherwise – steer the direction of a conversation,
         The pandemic has forced us to plan for our end-    introduce a new idea, persuade people to take up
         of-life situation and the need to draw up a will,   a new habit.
         inheritance and estate planning. Individuals        Not just products and brands; influencers
         are now taking appropriate advice to ensure        can, if they put their mind to it, change the way
         that their beneficiaries do not miss out on their   people live and think. For better or for worse.
         legacy and don’t have to spend time fighting        Seniors Today has drawn up its first list of 50
         lengthy court battles. We all need to have a       Top Influencers of India. These are people whose
         comfortable life and want the same for our         opinion is read, debated, and perhaps acted
         families – yet, politics has overtaken money as    upon – though we don’t know about that. When
         the number one subject of discussion.              Amitabh tells you to breathe in the air of Gujarat
          In today’s media-driven society we have a set     do you really go there?
         of opinion-makers who are called influencers,
         something that didn’t exist a decade ago. Today
         we have a gossip columnist who is read by lakhs
         of her followers, and people pay her money to      Vickram Sethi
         get written about in her daily news. Then there    Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            3
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