Page 8 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 8

cannot make a difference, it’s just water          a society that has not made progress. And
         trickling through a tap or leaking through a       this country will take thousands of years
         drainage system; it’s wasteful.”                   to change,.” he remarked with sadness, in a
                                                            2020 interview with The Times of India.
         6. Rahul Bajaj, 82, Industrialist                   A philanthropist who focuses on solutions
                            As a businessman, he took       for the betterment of society, he is in no
                            the baton from his ancestry     small way aided by his wife, Sudha Murthy
                            and created a company           who is equally responsible, not just for the
                            where two-wheelers              success of Infosys but for single-handedly
                            and Bajaj are used              evangelising the company’s commitment to
                            symbiotically. No small         corporate social responsibility.
         feat. That said, he is humble and grateful to
         the legacy left to him by his grandfather and
         dismisses accolades that patronise him.            8. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 60, Stockbroker
          An outspoken industrialist, and now MP,                              Most often described
         Rahul Bajaj throws power-packed punches                               as the investor with the
         to counter policies and situations he deems                           Midas touch and often
         unfit for the country’s progress and growth.                          compared with Warren
          His take is that by his birth he was born                            Buffet, Jhunjhunwala
         ‘anti-establishment’. That he created a                               has a rare gift. Maybe
         tidal wave by questioning the freedom              that’s why he named his company Rare
         of speech of citizens in recent times is an        Enterprises!
         understatement. But that quintessentially           He has an admirable spirit and that,
         is Bajaj. He isn’t afraid of speaking the          combined with all the planets in his house
         truth and he stands by forgotten values of         of money, have seen him amass a substantial
         integrity, honesty, dedication and goodwill.       net worth to the tune of $3.2 billion.
         And he doesn’t mind asking some tough               Needless to say, the stockmarket transmits
         questions either.                                  Jhunjhunwala’s energies.

         7. NR Narayana Murthy, 74, Industrialist           9. Rajnikanth, 70, Actor
                            While he led the IT                                 Shivajirao Gaekwad
                            revolution in India he is                           was born in humble
                            and will always remain                              environs and evolved
                            a simple man, and one of                            from a bus conductor to
                            the most respected voices                           one of  biggest megastars
                            in Indian business and                              in Indian cinema.
         industry.                                          Recently, he had to step back from making
          “Honesty, meritocracy, national                   his debut in the political arena due to poor
         pride, speed, competitive spirit are all           health much to the disappointment of his
         characteristics of nations that have made          fans. From people worshiping with milk
         progress. But those that have a culture of         before his film release to politicians quaking
         apathy, dishonesty, plagiarism, cut-and-           when he speaks his mind, his words have a
         paste, indifference, are characteristics of        tremendous impact on people.

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