Page 5 - Seniors Today - January Issue
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         Dr Nandini Saini is a practicing                   Col Vijay Yeshvant Gidh, VSM
         homoeopath and aesthetician                        (Retd)   commanded  14 Punjab
         with experience of over 15 years.                  (Nabha Akal) in J&K, Manipur
                                                            and Nagaland, and was an
                                                            instructor in the NSG Training
                                                            Centre, Manesar.

                          Dr Balaji Gandhi  is  Principal                    Vandana Kanoria, an avid
                          of  the  Nargund  College  of                      reader who loves food, travel,
                          Physiotherapy, Bengaluru.                          art and all aspects of design,
                                                                             is passionate about Indian
                                                                             culture, history and heritage.

        Sandeep Suri,  a senior corporate                  Nagesh Alai  is a management
        executive, is currently a member                   consultant,  an    independent
        of the European Mentoring and                      director on company boards, and
        Coaching Council and working                       cofounder of a B2B enterprise tech
        with a UK-based consulting firm.                   startup. Elder care and education
                                                           are causes close to his heart. He
                                                           can be reached at nageshalai@

                          Prabhakar  Mundkur  is an                          Narendra    Kusnur    is  one
                          advertising  veteran,  a  lateral                  of India’s best-known music
                          thinker, storyteller and musician.                 journalists. Born with a musical
                          A coffee aficionado, husband and                   spoon, so to speak, he is a late
                          a father of two, he also describes                 bloomer in music criticism.
                          himself as dogs’ best friend.

                                                            Deepa Gahlot  is one of India’s
                                                            seniormost   and   best-known
                                                            entertainment  journalists.  A
                                                            National Award-winning  film
                                                            critic, she  has authored  several
                                                            books on film and theatre.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            5
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