Page 49 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 49

Increasing any physical activity, such as dancing, will improve your energy levels and sense of well-being
         lower down your leg. Repeat maximum                on your buttock erect, bend your hip and
         10 times with adequate rest. This same             knees, place your feet together on ground/
         exercise can be done for the opposite leg          bed. Then move your thighs apart. Place
         also.                                              your hands on each knee and pull your
                                                            knees further apart. You can feel the
         Buttock exercises will improve the                 stretch sensation on inner aspect of thigh
         muscle mass and strength. Lie on your              and groin region. Hold the stretch for 10
         abdomen. Lift left leg and thigh up with           seconds and then bring your thighs closer.
         knee straight. You should feel tight on the        Repeat this stretch for 10 times
         butt. Hold for 10 seconds and lower your
         leg. Then do the same with your right              Outer thigh stretch Sit on the floor
         leg and repeat 10 times. After 10 times            with your legs straight out in front of you
         of individual leg and thigh lift, you can          and your hands on either side of your
         do both legs and thighs lift together with         hips. Bend your right knee and bring it
         both knees straight. This exercise will help       toward your chest and place your right
         strengthen and tighten your buttocks.              foot outside of your left thigh. Hold for
                                                            10 seconds. Now switch to the other leg.
         Part – II                                          Repeat for maximum 10 times.
         Thigh widen exercises will improve
         thigh and waist balance. Lie on your
         back, join your thighs and legs together,
         straighten your knees and lift both legs
         up to 30 degrees. Now widen both thighs
         and legs apart as much as possible. Hold
         for 5 to 10 seconds, then join your thighs
         and legs together and lower both your legs.
         Repeat this for maximum 10 times.

         Inner thigh stretch will improve the
         flexibility of thigh and groin region. Sit         Keep fit, be active and increase blood circulation

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