Page 33 - seniors today August issue
P. 33

Soft veg Upma/ Dalia/ Poha: Rava, which is used
        to make upma, is rich in protein, vitamin B and
        iron. Adding veggies to the upma not only makes
        it tastier but also healthier. Poha is a wholesome
        meal. It is a good source of carbohydrates and
        iron, rich in fibre, a good source of antioxidants
        and essential vitamins. It is known to be good for
        those who have diabetes, skin and heart prob-

        Why are some nutrients particularly import-
        ant for seniors?
        Calcium and Vitamin D: Older adults need more
        calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone
        health. Have three servings of calcium-rich foods
        and beverages each day. This includes fortified ce-
        reals, dark green leafy vegetables, soya bean, egg,
        fish with soft bones, milk.
        Vitamin B12: Many people older than 50 do not
        get enough vitamin B12. Fortified cereal, lean
        meat and some fish and seafood are sources of
        vitamin B12.
        Fibre: Eat more fibre-rich foods to stay regular.
        Fibre also can help lower the risk for heart disease
        and prevent Type 2 diabetes. Eat whole-grain
        breads and cereals, and more beans and peas
        along with fruits and vegetables which also pro-
        vide fibre.
        Fluid: The most important way to prevent dehy-
        dration in elderly adults is to make sure that they
        are drinking enough liquid. Seniors and all adults
        should drink at least 8-10 glass of fluids such
        as water or non-caffeinated beverages such as
        clear soup, lime water, tender coconut water, thin
        buttermilk, etc daily. Caffeinated beverages cause
        frequent urination and promote dehydration.
         So, make breakfast your most important meal of
        the day. You skip it, and you are sure play havoc
        with your levels of sugar, cholesterol, calcium and
        vitamins. Be wise, stay vibrant!

        Susan Itty is Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Aster Medcity,
        and has extensive experience in managing nutrition of
        hospitalised and critical care patients
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