Page 39 - seniors today August issue
P. 39

unpredictable stage acts added to the group’s         adaptations that I know are of Light My Fire:
        mystique. The group became a symbol of the            one by Ananda Shankar and the other by Isaac
        counter-culture prevailing in the late 1960s.         Hayes in his Live at Sahara Tahoe.
        But the music itself was so absorbing, with            One of the finest interpretations of The Doors
        influences of jazz, blues and other genres. You       music is in the album Night Divides the Day
        could listen to it and dance to most of it.           – The Music of The Doors by the jazz pianist
         The Doors continuously entertained, provoked         George Winston. It has 16 excellent jazzy
        and irritated their fans by wild performances,        interpretations of many well-loved and some
        mostly due to the erratic and unpredictable           not-so-well-known Doors songs. It is a virtuoso
        behaviour of Morrison on stage. He got                performance by a great solo pianist, and it will
        arrested and released a few times due to bizarre      make a fine addition to any collection of The
        behaviour while performing.                           Doors music.
         Morrison was also an excellent poet, having           As with many artists, Morrison developed
        studied film-making and arts at UCLA before           alcohol dependency and also experimented with
        becoming a musician. Several of his poems             drugs. In 1971 he died unexpectedly in Paris
        can be heard on American Prayer, which was            at the age of 27. And the legend began. He was
        released after his death.                             buried in the “Poets’ Corner” of Père Lachaise
         The remaining members of his band -                  Cemetery in Paris on July 7. The epitaph on his
        Manzarek, Krieger and Densmore - kept up the          headstone bears a Greek inscription, which is
        legend with various reunion gigs and rehashed         usually interpreted as “True to his own spirit”.
        anthologies. Weird Scenes Inside The Gold             This is now a must-visit place for rock music
        Mine, Full Circle, An American Prayer and a           lovers and The Doors fans in particular.
        series of Live recordings, rehashing their earlier     So ended the life of Jim Morrison, the son of an
        appearances, are all available now.                   Admiral of the US Navy, with whom he did not
         The Doors got inducted to the Rock and Roll          have a good relationship. But his music lives on
        Hall of Fame in 1993. Manzarek, Krieger and           even after 50 plus years.
        Densmore came together along with Eddie                Ray Manzarek passed away in 2013 in
        Vedder substituting for Morrison, played              Germany due to cancer. He held the band
        Roadhouse Blues, Break on Through and Light           together for several years with someone else
        My Fire.                                              occasionally filling in for Morrison. Robby
         The Doors music continues to attract listeners       Krieger and John Densmore are the two band
        of generation after generation. It can be heard       members still alive and playing the music.
        in many movies and television shows. One of
        the most dramatic uses was in Apocalypse Now
        which features The End.
         Oliver Stone made a movie by the eponymous
        name in 1991, with Val Kilmer playing Jim
        Morrison. It did well at the box office and the
        sound track from the movie was also well
        received. However, the other band members
        were none too happy, as Stone concentrated on
        Morrison character, to the detriment of others.
        Manzarek also felt that it did not show the poetic
        and human side of Morrison and concentrated
        too much on his bad boy image and at times
        bizarre behaviour.
         The Doors cover versions and adaptations
        continue unabated. Two of the earliest

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