Page 10 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 10
Gavaskar is a beacon for not just young cricketers, but the nation
favourite), and then beyond sport too. He retiring. He was on the badminton court
can discuss politics, cinema, culture from a unfailingly every day and for at least a
very informed position. couple of decades, before moving on to
This was because he liked to keep himself milder regimens like walking, stretching
abreast of the world around him. An avid etc. His waistline hasn’t increased in 33
reader of newspapers, magazines and years since retirement.
books, he would also seek out people who The quality which keeps Gavaskar still
could fill in gaps in his knowledge. The relevant is his ability to remain in the
game sense that Miandad talked about present, and to reinvent himself with
stems from this desire: Gavaskar is always changing times. This has helped him retain
wanting to know more. freshness in his columns and commentary,
even pushing 72. He’s indefatigable because
Sweet tooth he replenishes his energy levels with great
A man of modest personal habits, he hardly zest for life.
drinks liquor and I’ve never seen him Of course, Gavaskar has flaws. He can be
overeat. He’s got a massive sweet tooth, moody at times, though this was more the
though. If that yearning is pandered to, case in his playing days than now. In the
Gavaskar will cut down on other things 1975 World Cup, for instance, he crawled
to eat that meal or even that day. He was to 36 not out in 50 overs. In 1980-81 in
never a fitness freak, but nobody I know Australia, he almost conceded a Test match.
has known his own body and metabolism Upset by the abusive Aussies, he forced
better. partner Chetan Chauhan to walk off the
He had a relatively injury-free career, but field. Chauhan was stopped in time by
did not surrender to whims or fate after manager Wing Commander Durrani, and