Page 14 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 14
First Person
While digital learning has made up for lockdown losses to some extent,
nothing can quite replace actual human interaction, writes Nagesh Alai
The other day in the course of teaching basic me and each trying to outdo the other in
English over a WhatsApp audio call to two learning in a sisterly way.
young siblings aged 10 and 11, residing in The soundbites are no different from some
a remote village in Haryana, courtesy an school teachers whom I happen to know.
NGO’s outreach initiative, I happened to ask They too were missing out on the vim
about their day school and if it had reopened. and vigour of physical interactions with
It had not and continued to remain closed chirpy and moody students and the fun
for over 10 months. They wistfully said and satisfaction of teaching and the thrill
that they wish it would soon open so that of setting papers and checking homework
they can meet their school friends and of students. They were finding the virtual
live the school life full of class bells, desks, classes enabling, but certainly not enthusing
bags, plays, class admonishments and or energising. S Kumar
punishments, fights, breaks, shared lunches
and all that makes for a complete experience. E-ducation has a field day
Clearly, they were tired and bored and Given the compulsions of the lockdown and
strained of the 9 to 4 virtual school over the the uncertainties, almost every school worth
past several months depriving them of the its salt has put in place some sort of digital
release of chats and smiles in the classrooms teaching so that the students don’t miss out
with their friends. Over the past several on the learning and can progress to the next
months, I have noticed their extraordinary class. E-learning platforms like Educomp
glee and enthusiasm on receiving my call Solutions and BYJU’s are having a field day
soon after their virtual school class ending and making a song and dance about their
at 4 pm. No tiredness or boredom, but sheer enabling quotient. There are indeed several
delight to have a one-on-one conversation pros about digital education in terms of
with me to learn a new language. It is so reach, penetration, content, engagement, etc.
heart-warming to see the two young children But, given the surfeit of existing social media
trying to monopolise the conversations with platforms, the digital education platforms,