Page 15 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 15
while having their utility, will be adding to boundaries of human behaviour and
the digital clutter and social distancing of the interactions. Family and friends’ dinners
real kind. are no longer about group conversations,
The guru-shishya parampara in our but singular shutting out of everyone at
culture over thousands of years involved the table, but the cell phone. Perversely,
a daily physical interaction between the you can detach yourself from practically
teachers and the disciples, and ensured anyone, except the cell phone. The downing
service, discipline, learning, debates of the internet or the lack of charge to the
and discussions. It enabled transfer of cell will be worse than a catastrophe and we
knowledge to successive generations via will all be paralysed of speech and action.
word of mouth, which can be called as Information is universal while original
‘shruti’, essentially learning that have thinking is out. Wisdom is gone, knowledge
been heard and transmitted by gurus to is plenty. Silence has become golden,
shishyas in a continuous cycle of knowledge not in a spiritual sense, but because it is
transmission (am intentionally leaving out camouflaging ignorance. The art of small
the divine revelation context here). This talk is gone and the era of the big yawn is in.
system also ensured over time, that what
is learnt is preserved in an understandable Daily interaction needed
format giving rise to ‘smritis’ (essentially Coming back to where we started, the need
meaning that which is remembered) or texts of the hour is to ensure a daily interaction
written by various gurus. Little wonder that between teachers and students in brick-
our scriptures and texts have lasted till today and-mortar schools at double quick speed,
with definitive knowledge encompassing wherever possible or by turns, while taking
the cosmos, its source, the evolution, the enough precautions to ensure safety of
humans, the animals, flora and fauna, teachers and students. The fight with the
elements of nature, religion, rituals, sciences, microbe seems to be a long-drawn-out
morality, roles and responsibilities, principle affair, but with preventive vaccines getting
of business and warfare. You name it, they discovered and used, the administrators
have it. The bank of knowledge is so deep need to look at out-of-the-box solutions.
and wide that a lifetime will not be enough When solutions are being found for public
for anybody to learn or understand it, live places in the name of economy, why can’t
alone live it. solutions be found for the more fundamental
The inveterate technology and infinite need of the students. The formative years of
scientific discoveries are pushing the children are crucial and their development
and learning abilities at the formative
stage is exponential and hence social and
personal interactions cannot be kept at bay
for uncertain lengths of time. Yes, humans,
particularly young children are adoptive
of ideas and adaptive to situations, but
there is no gainsaying the fact that human
interactions are indispensable in a holistic
The virtual classroom works, but it deprives children of the
holistic school experience development of the children.