Page 31 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 31
studies can reduce. Water is always the best option:
Sleep pattern changes: You might find Replace the soft drinks with water; have
yourself awake at odd hours, or have a glass of water every few hours. Not
trouble sleeping. Alternatively, some people only does it reduce your sugar cravings,
sleep more than is usual for them. it also promotes adequate and easy bowel
Feeling of anxiety: It is common to feel on movement, keeping you healthy.
edge and restless in the initial days of the High Fibre is the way to go:
detox. High fibre foods take longer to get digested,
keeping your sugar cravings at bay. They
Managing the side-effects also help in regulating the blood sugar
Though it seems difficult, the side effects levels. Try including a portion of broccoli to
of the detox can be managed with a little your plate, or flax seed to your meals.
patience. Exercise:
Here are some tips for making yourself Exercise utilises sugar, stabilising the blood
comfortable: sugar levels in the body. A 15 minute walk
Give yourself time: can increase your stamina and reduce
It may seem difficult to completely fatigue; it also acts as a mood elevator.
eliminate sugar from your diet, especially if Don’t ignore your sleep:
you have a sweet tooth. Take it slowly, start Sleep deprivation causes low moods, sugar
with the foods you can easily avoid, like fluctuations and fatigue, and can send you
cakes and cookies and gradually move on to running for that quick sugar fix. Make
the foods you find hard to give up, like the sure you get adequate sleep; it can help you
spoonful of sugar in your morning tea. fight off the side effects of sugar as well as
Proteins are your best friends: putting you in a healthier state of mind.
Proteins promote a feeling of fullness, Fight the stress:
automatically helping in reducing the Try to reduce your stress levels; they can
craving. Make sure to include protein such cause your sugar cravings to increase. Take
as eggs, fish, chicken, paneer and legumes the much needed “Me Time”; read a book,
in your diet. Try keeping small portions of take a walk, even cooking is a known stress
nuts with you, for those in-between sugar buster!
cravings. Motivate yourself:
You might need a push now and then
to continue with this diet…keep a diary
and write down what motivates you…it
could be general health consciousness,
a desire to lose weight, look good. If you
feel yourself falling off the wagon, just
read the motivators again, it may help you
strengthen your resolve.
Remember, the biggest beneficiary of this
detox will be YOU! Though it can be tough,
Replace soft drinks and packaged juices with water, and the ultimate rewards- a good health…is
add a twist of lemon for taste completely worth it.