Page 29 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 29
Having sugary foods is usually a reward
we give ourselves, a treat. Little is it known
that sugar actually triggers our brain’s
reward system, causing us to indulge more!
It is also addictive. It results in release of
Dopamine- the addictive hormone. The
more you have, the more you crave!
Our body is often conditioned to have
sugar. It becomes tolerant to it; hence a
higher amount is needed to satisfy us.
It releases opioids in our brain, increasing
the craving even more. When you eliminate sugar, you will find yourself feeling
better and more energetic
What exactly is Sugar Detox? Hydrate yourself: Drink water every few
A sugar detox basically means cutting out hours. Replace the soft drinks and packaged
all added sugar from your diet…you can juices with water, as much as possible. You
start by cutting out sugar altogether for a can always add a twist of lemon for taste.
few days, then slowly introducing natural Not only does it reduce the sugar craving, it
sugars like fruits into your routine. also helps keep you healthy!
Let’s see what affect sugar reduction can Make the right choice: Next time you
have on your body. And a way to beat the reach for that favourite granola bar, give a
side effects. thought to the hidden sugar it contains. Opt
for dry fruits, nuts or fresh fruits instead.
How does one go about it? Always, always check the label: Most
Some people find it useful to just cut added packaged foods, whether they are biscuits,
sugar from their diet completely… for most, pasta sauces, breads etc, contain added
it is difficult, especially if you’re used to sugar. Always check the label to see the
having cakes, cookies, processed foods, contents.
carbonated and sweet drinks. It is easier Change your diet as a whole: Try to have
to gradually reduce the sugar intake. Even a nutritionally balanced, wholesome
small changes over a period of time are diet, instead of just cutting back on the
effective. sugars. Include healthy portions of grains,
Here are a few tips: naturally sweet fruits, nuts, seeds and
Go Slow: Start by eliminating the obviously veggies in your daily routine. Remember,
sweet foods you indulge in, like cakes, proteins and healthy fats are your friends!
brownies, cookies. Try having tea and Add a little ghee to your diet, without guilt!
coffee without that teaspoon of sugar and Avoid artificial sweeteners: Artificial
cream. sweeteners taste sweeter than actual sugars,
A healthy breakfast: Replace those sugar- often altering your taste and increasing
coated cereals with a veggie omelette or the sugar craving. Try, as far as possible, to
oats porridge. Include fresh fruits, like avoid them.
berries. Starting your day on a healthy note Think other spices: Give your palate
motivates one to stick to the diet. a change of taste…adding spices like