Page 34 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 34
Trincas and
the Calcutta of the ’60s
The Summer of ’69 was not just a song – it was an entire musical experience for
the band Savages, writes Prabhakar Mundkur
Four weary young men alighted from the Middle-class morals
Calcutta Mail at Howrah. The six-week The thought of spending the night at the flat
contract at Trincas in the summer of ’69 was they were allotted somehow irked the four
somehow the icing on the cake for the band young men who came from decent middle-
called the Savages, having scored many class families, complete with their rigid
victories across the country entertaining middle-class morals. So they decided to sleep
people with their music. They didn’t know it the night at Eden Gardens and inform Mr
yet, but it was going to be the experience of Joshua, one of the partners at Trincas along
a lifetime. I remember later reminiscing that with Mr Puri, that they wished to return to
this was perhaps the equivalent of playing at Mumbai if they had to stay on Free School
the Caesar’s Palace of that time. Street. As it happened there was a certain
As they made their way towards Park indignity around the players of music in the
Street with their audio equipment, they ’60s and the flat at Free School Street was
caught their first glimpses of old Calcutta. In the assigned residence for bands that came
those days the amplifiers and the speakers out of Mumbai and other cities. Mr Joshua
were quite heavy. The amps were only made was quick to understand our predicament
out of tubes, something that would become and, quickly recognising that we were not a
obsolescent forever, except for a handful of run-of-the-mill band, placed us in a flat right
audiophiles around the world who believed below his house on 87 Park Street, opposite
that you couldn’t get the same sound with the St Xavier’s College. The flat was air-
the transistor. On reaching Trincas, they conditioned and the Savages couldn’t have
were asked to park their equipment at the asked for a better residence for the rest of the
stage and proceed to their living quarters on 6 weeks in Calcutta. They were greeted by
Free School Street. Mr Joshua himself who would visit us in the