Page 51 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 51

sheer quality of his musicianship and his
                                                            versatility. There is so much more that makes
                                                            Louiz Banks special.

                                                            ESSENTIAL DISCOGRAPHY

                                                            1 City Life by Sangam
                                                            A 1983 Indo-jazz fusion album where Banks
                                                            plays with Carnatic vocalist Rama Mani,
                                                            saxophonist Braz Gonsalves, percussionist
                                                            T.A.S. Mani, bassist Karl Peters and
                                                            drummer Ranjit Barot.
         From left, Peter Saldanha, Bosco Monsorate, Louiz Banks
         and Braz Gonsalves
                                                            2 High Standards Vol 1 by Louiz Banks and
         by legendary trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie to          Gary Lawyer
         join him on stage in Washington because his        Released in 1990, this had vocalist
         regular pianist couldn’t make it.                  Gary Lawyer singing old classics like
          Whenever one has met Banks, he has been           ‘Sophisticated Lady’, ‘Moonlight In Vermont’,
         full of anecdotes. But while music has given       ‘Unforgettable’ and ‘Georgia On My Mind’.
         him name and fame, he strongly believes that       The two musicians presented ‘Unforgettable’
         his family has played the biggest role in his      in this year’s Jazz Day event.
         life. At an online conversation organised by
         Oxford Bookstore, Kolkata, to promote the          3 Pure Silk by Silk
         biography, Banks was asked which chapter           The world music ensemble had Banks,
         he enjoyed reading the most. His prompt            vocalist Shankar Mahadevan, percussionist
         reply was, “The one where I talked of my           Sivamani, bassist Karl Peters and mridangam
         family. Without them I am nothing.”                exponent Sridar Parthasarathy. This album
          That, coupled with a desire to help younger       was released in 2000
         musicians achieve their goals, has kept him
         going. When one calls him the ‘Godfather           4 Ekatman with flautist Ronu Majumdar
         of Indian Jazz’ it isn’t only because of the       A fusion album featuring Banks, flautist
                                                            Ronu Majumdar, percussionists Sivamani
                                                            and Rajesh Rajbhatt, tabla player Fazal
                                                            Qureshi and bassist Karl Peters. Though it
                                                            is currently unavailable online, many fusion
                                                            fans have it in their collections.

                                                            5 Miles From India – Various Artistes
                                                            Featuring an array of international and
                                                            Indian artistes, this Grammy-nominated
                                                            2008 album contains Indianised versions of
                                                            Miles Davis compositions. Produced by Bob
        Louiz Banks with Pam Crain and Lorraine Banks       Belden, it was co-arranged by Banks.

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