Page 47 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 47

Prabhakar Mundkur, Bashir Sheikh, Remo Fernandes and Ralph Pais
          Perhaps the first discotheque to open in          music for one is not as popular as it used to
         Mumbai and perhaps the country was the             be. Its transition to Jazz by the Bay was a bit
         Blow Up at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.             of relaunch that stayed well with the spirit
         It was almost the last piece of decadence          of the place. But its transformation to Pizza
         offered by the Taj as a hangover of a              by the Bay negates all its beautiful history.
         bygone era. I was a member of the band              Studio 29 on Marine Drive became the
         called the Savages at that time, and we            place to party in the early 80s. The crowd
         were invited to do a month’s gig in August         was eclectic. Famous models, film stars and
         of 1968. A well-known Sri Lankan band              other celebrities made their way there. It
         called The Jetliners, in around June of the        was the place to be.
         same year. I still remember the manager             Nightlife has generally changed a lot in
         of the Blow Up was a swarthy moustache             Mumbai. I can’t think of a place where I can
         and went by the name of Menon. We used             have a good dinner and listen to some good
         to play half an hour sets every night.             live music any more. Of course the young
         The Blow Up attracted all of Bombay’s              party and dance at several nightclubs in
         glitterati. Since the band stand was a             the city. Also the centre of gravity of the
         raised platform I had a bird’s eye view            city has shifted from South Mumbai to the
         of the celebrities dancing there with gay          suburbs. But I am not sure that any of them
         abandon.                                           have the character of a Blue Note In New
          One of our next gigs was at the Talk of           York, Salon 30 in Havana or the Lido in
         the Town. This had a unique atmosphere             Berlin. Mumbai doesn’t really feature in the
         because the audience had serious diners            list of music cities anymore. Neither does
         and people who had dropped in for a drink.         it have an art deco district, barring Kala
         Talk of the Town always had a band or              Ghoda which has again been on the decline.
         two in the evening. Over time, it seems to          It is sad that Mumbai just doesn’t have the
         have lost its charm or it may be just that         charm of a city that once sported nightlife
         audiences have changed over time. Live             just like in the best cities of the world.

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