Page 49 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 49
Because of the pandemic, his 80th birthday
celebrations on February 11 were low-key,
spent with family and friends at his residence
in Santa Cruz, Mumbai.
A highlight of the landmark occasion was
the release of Kolkata-based Ashis Ghatak’s
biography Louiz Banks: A Symphony
Of Love, which traces his journey from
Darjeeling and Kathmandu to Kolkata and
Mumbai. With Banks at the helm of affairs,
the book doubles up as an essay on the
history of Indian jazz from the late 1960s Banks with Jaco Pastorius (second from right)
onwards. During the interview, Banks focused on how
it was important to popularise jazz among
Amazing experiences new audiences. He talked about the new
I first interviewed Banks in the summer trend of ‘hip-hop jazz’ and the role of pianist
of 1995, a good 12 years after I had begun Herbie Hancock and saxophonist Branford
hearing his music, thanks to the album City Marsalis in promoting it, adding that he
Life, featuring his fusion group Sangam. He was planning to play that style in India. He
was to do two shows in Manori, a beachside also talked of his days with the Sangam,
getaway in Mumbai, and since they were featuring vocalist Rama Mani, saxophonist
organised by different people, I had to Braz Gonsalves and percussionist TAS Mani,
write separate articles to keep both happy. I among others. When I told him City Life was
decided to publish the first as an interview one of my favourites, he quipped, “It’s my
with Banks, and write the second describing favourite too.”
his rehearsal session. Of course, I had to write When Banks saw me at the rehearsal
reviews of both concerts, and being a jazz session three days later, he joked that I
fan, I obviously didn’t think of it as a work would have an overdose of him. But it was
assignment. an amazing experience to see senior artistes
like trombonists Anibal Castro and Blasco
Monsorate, vocalist Mabel Castro, trumpeter
Bosco Monsorate, saxophonist Joe Pereira
and bassist Karl Peters play with Banks.
Needless to say, the Manori shows were a
delight, with percussionist Sivamani giving a
fantastic performance.
Ever since, meetings with Banks in Mumbai
have been frequent, whether it was during
interviews or during the Jazz Yatras at
the erstwhile Rang Bhavan, or after his
shows at the Tata Theatre and St Andrew’s
Banks believes that fate got him together to play in Auditorium. At nightspots like Not Just Jazz
Kolkata with vocalist Pam Crain, among others By The Bay and Blue Frog, one could have