Page 3 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
Thoughts on Turning Two
I am thrilled and honoured and proud to be managers. Not even getting his own daughter or
writing this on our second anniversary. We have son to helm the operations. The interview that
been working towards creating a one-of-a-kind you read as part of the cover story in this issue is
experience for seniors. It’s been a tough year for special. It gives an excellent insight into how he
all of the world. At Seniors Today, we realised thinks, and his value system. Some rare qualities
what the pandemic meant for senior citizens and indeed.
in order to ensure that we engage seniors more It’s a delight to see how some business captains
actively than ever before, we upped the ante. So think differently, and in my view that’s what can
what started out as a monthly e-magazine that save us in India from all the stresses we face. While
you are reading also led to a daily newsletter sent there is no denying that the coronavirus brought
out before 7am Monday through Saturday. Our with it much pain for many, perhaps the best way
content updates have doubled. We started with to overcome this is by incorporating some joy
a weekly Health Live webinar series where our into our daily lives. Harsh Goenka’s article titled
readers get the unique opportunity to interact and ‘Rediscovering Happiness’ (Page 18) is a must-read.
ask any and every question to top doctors of the It’s truly Gandhian thinking. He is probably the
country. Then there is the Seniors Have Talent only industrialist to have a corporate philosophy
weekly singing contest, where we have conducted that revolves around happiness, and all policies are
four seasons with over 400 60-plussers having aligned towards this objective.
participated. We have now started a Seniors We couldn’t have attained all the success and
Kitchen video series, and have a lot more planned loyalty without the support of our readers, doctors
through the year. who have been on our webinars, contestants in
Of all the success stories in corporate India, our singing contests, contributors and columnists.
one which stands out is that of Harsh Mariwala, I also wish to thank our editor Pradyuman
Chairman of Marico. Harsh has been an iconoclast Maheshwari, the editorial and business teams and
in many ways. He’s also a gamechanger. But while the back-office folk who work silently to make
it’s all right to have these labels, it’s another thing Seniors Today the great destination that we have
to be a doer. He could have had a cushy life in his become for seniors.
family business but he gave it all up and started
Marico. And then when Saffola, Parachute and
Kaya etc started doing very well, he chose to get
out of the full-time executive role of leading the Vickram Sethi
companies and handed them over to professional Publisher and Editor-in-Chief