Page 6 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 6
Cover Story
Firm before Family
Up, close and personal with Harsh Mariwala, Chairman, Marico as he is set
to launch his memoirs, Harsh Realities
There are few in Indian family-owned In a freewheeling interview with Seniors
businesses who can match Harsh Mariwala Today, Harsh Mariwala speaks about the
and his principled stand on bringing in Marico story, entailing a management and
professional management, good corporate financial separation from the family, his
governance, organisation culture and decision to let professional managers run
sustainability. Innovation is the credo for the company. He also offers insights on his
Mariwala, who is Founder and Chairman value system and speaks about his soon-to-
of FMCG major Marico. be-released book, Harsh Realities.
Mariwala began his career in 1971 with Excerpts from the interview.
Bombay Oil Industries and set up Marico
in 1990. The corporate has a footprint Q: Tell us what makes Harsh Mariwala
across 25 countries. He is also founder of excited about life in general? Your
India’s largest chain of dermatology-led various passions?
clinics, Kaya., With a view to give back to A: Looking back at my journey, I have
society, he founded Ascent Foundation, a largely charted my own course in terms
peer-learning entrepreneurial platform. He of the way I work and what I do. And that
has set up Marico Innovation Foundation, variety, learning new things and doing new
Marico’s CSR Initiative that helps scale things, the newer experience in reinventing
innovative ideas scale, the Mariwala Health myself, is what I find really exciting. So,
Initiative that supports mental health from the time I started, when the business
and very recently, AquaCentric, an aqua was really small, to what it is today, it’s
therapy chain of health facilities. come a long way. But I’ve undergone a lot of