Page 7 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 7

change myself. I didn’t have any clue what         three external boards in addition to three
         I was going to do in life, nor has anybody         in-company boards. I’m also on an advisory
         taught me anything. I did not have a coach         board of three private equity venture firms.
         or a mentor or a guide for most part. So           My son has started an investment office, so
         everything has been on my own because it           I spend some time with him there. So, life is
         was a typically family-managed company             exciting. It’s new every day.
         where there were no professionals. When             Plus, I’m very, very passionate about
         I entered the business as a commerce               fitness. I spend at least two hours
         graduate, I was led to my father and he said,      exercising. Again, variety has to come in.
         “You explore and decide what you want to           I can’t do the same thing repeatedly. So,
         do.” Since then, I’ve come a long way.             three times a week weights, once a week
         About six years back, I stepped down as            functional training, swimming every day,
         Managing Director, and I’m the chairman            walking every day. I have now started aqua
         of the company. And as of today, what              exercises, and there’s yoga and golf over
         keeps me occupied, what keeps me                   weekends.
         engaged, what keeps me excited is a variety
         of new things I’ve done. One of them is            Q: You mentioned that you’ve branched
         starting AquaCentric. It was started with a        off from a family business, the family-
         leap of faith but unfortunately, because of        owned Bombay Oil Mills…
         Covid, we were hit badly. But the feedback         A: Before I go into that, a message to your
         we’re getting from our clients is amazing.         readers that I want to give is, I think you
         We have clinical studies in terms of how           have to reinvent yourself over time. What
         they’ve benefited – those who have had             I’m doing today is very different from what
         partial paralysis, full paralysis, people          I was doing maybe 10 years back. I couldn’t
         who had serious issues with their knees, or        have done all that if I had not shed my full-
         ortho issues, because it is so easy to exercise    time role in Marico and Kaya. I didn’t have
         in water. Your weight is one-tenth, one can        any clue on how I was going to keep myself
         exercise so easily without any pain. And if        engaged.. Just a leap of faith that things will
         you exercise, if you keep yourself fit, then       work out.
         the recovery is much faster.
          I also started looking at giving something        Q: Is there a mantra for Marico’s long-
         back to society in different ways. . And I         standing success? You do have some very
         have three different sets of initiatives on        successful brands.
         that front. As I said, I have started a new        A: Yes, the montage which revolves around
         business in Aqua. Also, while I’m not              three pillars. The key is to identify a
         involved in Marico’s day-to-day running,           product portfolio where you have a right to
         I guide the team on long-term strategy and         win. It’s a highly competitive environment
         work actively on board effectiveness. I also       and we compete with very large and very
         spend time on Kaya Skin Clinics. So, all in        capable players. They come with global
         all, some on business, some on the social          experience in categories where they are
         side, giving side. I have Marico Innovation        strong. The key thing is to identify niches,
         Foundation, our CSR initiative, reporting          where you have a right to win, where they
         to me, which fuels innovation. I have joined       are either not concentrating or they have

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