Page 49 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 49
Pathbreaking event from the 1992 Barcelona Games and there
This was not quite how I saw it when has been no looking back since.
boarding the flight for Seoul in 1988
though. To cover an Olympics was a Race of the century
dream but having grown up and worked Seoul was flush with stories – good and bad
in an environment which was so cricket- -- which made it rich harvest for journalists.
dominated, I had no idea of what to expect. From these, the most compelling was the
From the time I joined the Olympic media sprint face off over 100 metres between
village, my compunctions vanished, and reigning champion America Carl Lewis and
worldview changed. challenger Ben Johnson from Canada who
Where sporting action was concerned, in fact was world record holder then.
Seoul was pathbreaking even for the Lewis v Johnson at Seoul was billed as
Olympic movement. After a series of the Race Of The Century. Over a couple of
boycotts by Western and Easter bloc years prior to this event, the rivalry had
countries (Montreal 1976, Moscow 1980, become intensely bitter and laced with
Los Angeles 1984), all countries were being controversy. The race turned out to be a
represented in these Games by the crème de classic, but with a twist to the tale which
la creme of the world’s athletes. would have major ramifications for world
A big addition was the participation athletics..
of top-notch tennis players like Steffi You could cut the air with a knife when
Graf, Cris Evert, Miloslav Mecir etc. The the runners assembled at the starting point.
Olympics was restricted to amateurs before It was early morning in Seoul. The timing
1988. To facilitate professional athletes to for the event had been adjusted to cater to
participate, rules were amended by fixing primetime TV viewers in the US, but the
a limited period of time before and after the stadium was choc-a-block. Who would
Games in which these athletes wouldn’t miss out on a slice of history!
play for money. Once the starter’s gun went off, the
The hypocrisy was palpable, but towards packed stadium broke into a roar, egging
a good end in my opinion because on their favourites to a medal, possibly a
keeping away the world’s best athletes record. From our vantage point near the
was disservice to sports, sports fans, 80 m mark, the race changed momentum.
broadcasters and sponsors. Because the Johnson, who was trailing Lewis, suddenly
experiment with tennis players in the 1988 surged ahead in a remarkable show of
Olympics was hugely successful, topnotch strength and speed leaving the American
basketballers from the NBA were allowed bewildered, tongue hanging out in disbelief
as he finished second.
But Johnson winning gold was not the
story of the Games. A bigger one was to
follow less than 12 hours later when the
results of his dope test were known. I was
asleep in the media village when a knock
on the door woke me up. ``Ben’s tested
Continued on page no 55