Page 47 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 47

in  many baked goods. Baking with                  Processed jams and jellies may provide
         applesauce instead of butter or oil adds           some benefits, but they’re high sugar
         fibre and reduces calories in cakes,               products, and consuming too much
         muffins, and breads. And, because of its           sugar may lead to weight gain, cavities,
         water content, applesauce will also keep           heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. A
         your baked goods moist and fresh longer.           fruit compote is essentially fruit that has
                                                            been chopped and cooked down to form
         19. Mashed cauliflower makes                       a delicious gooey topping. Use jaggery
         for a delicious substitute to your                 or stevia as a sweetener. Fruit salsa is
         traditional mashed potatoes side dish              simply cut fruit, usually marinated in an
                                                            acid like lemon juice and served cold.

                                                            21. Swap everyday desserts for your
                                                            own home - made trail mix

         I cheat and mix one potato sometimes, but
         it’s better than to consume a load of starch
         which is avoidable for diabetics. You can
         also use a whole grain such as quinoa,
         bulgur, couscous or brown rice in place
         of your potato. Whole grains contain
         fibre which can help you feel full, lower          Since I have a deadly sweet tooth – I do
         blood sugar levels and may help lower              this and it works wonders! Simply mix
         cholesterol.                                       your favourite nuts - pistas, almonds
                                                            and cashews, along with unsweetened
         20. Instead of processed jams or                   dried fruit (cranberries work well) and
         jellies, choose a homemade fruit                   dark chocolate chips. This ensures you’ll
         compote or salsa                                   have a snack teaming with whole grains,
                                                            protein fibre healthy fats, and chocolate,
                                                            whenever hunger strikes.
                                                             The great American essayist and
                                                            philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson
                                                            famously said: Our first wealth is our
                                                            health! As seniors, these words resonate
                                                            well. While we have fun and enjoy our
                                                            twilight years on this planet, a few
                                                            healthy tweaks to our diet will add value
                                                            to our time here.

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