Page 44 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 44

5. Replace white sugar with stevia or

                                                            once in a while, numerous studies have
                                                            linked too much saturated fat with an
         White sugar is poison. Sorry. There is             increased risk of high cholesterol. And if
         no other way to say it! Refined sugars             you regularly go overboard with cream,
         may increase your risk of obesity, Type            your waistline will pay the price.
         2 diabetes, and heart disease. They’re
         also linked to a higher likelihood of              8. Eat more dark chocolate instead of
         depression, dementia, liver disease, and           sugar laden milk chocolate
         certain types of cancer. And raw sugar
         is not much healthier than its white

         6. Use ghee instead of vanaspati

                                                            Dark chocolate is a rich source of
                                                            antioxidants and minerals, and it
                                                            generally contains less sugar than milk
                                                            chocolate. Dark chocolate may help
                                                            lower the risk of heart disease, reduce
         Vanaspati ghee is hydrogenated refined             inflammation and insulin resistance, and
         oil - a trans-fat which blocks your arteries       improve brain function.
         and is a no-no for heart health, while desi
         ghee only consists of healthy saturated            9. Instead of regular milky sugary tea
         fats.                                              and coffee, try the black variants
                                                            If you can’t bear its taste, substitute
         7. Choose skim or low-fat milk over                dairy milk with very little almond or
         cream to reduce calories and fat                   soy or coconut milk till you slowly inch
         Much of the fat found in cream comes               your way to at least one cup of tea or
         from saturated fat. Though enjoy cream             coffee without milk.  Black coffee and

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