Page 16 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 16
to be forgotten. Before we know, we look identical online.
will have another issue bothering us. The Mahabharata, one of the main texts
Eventually, many more companies would of Indian tradition, was written in 3000
have technology to offer more and more BC. It is an amazing story of righteousness,
sophisticated spyware. What George virtue, morality, justice, decency, war,
Orwell said eventually has come true. It politics, rape and all other emotions human
would be terrible if JK Rowling stories find beings are capable of. This narration
resonance in our life. below is of the Dharam Yudh – religious
war between the Pandavas and Kauravas,
between right and wrong.
Guru Dronacharya was almost invincible,
but without killing him, it was not
possible for the Pandavas to win the war.
Therefore, a strategy was devised by the
mastermind Lord Krishna to demoralise
him by spreading the rumour of the death
of his son Ashwatthama, to whom he was
attached emotionally. Accordingly, the
plot was set and Bhima killed an elephant
named Ashwatthama and the message was
Ever since the beginning of time, mankind conveyed to the Guru Dronacharya that
has been dogmatic about pursuing the Ashwatthama has been killed. However,
truth; is there anything called truth (Cain Guru Dronacharya didn’t believe it and
& Abel)? The debate about truth and therefore it was decided to let him believe
untruth will end with the end of the world by making Yudhisthira utter these words.
whenever that’s happens. In the meantime, Yudhisthira protested and refused to tell
we can talk about truth… it is a very lofty, any lies. However, in the larger interest
nice and righteous thing to do. It’s also of Dharma, he was convinced by Lord
a great to have it in your motto like The Krishna to utter the words ‘Ashwatthama
Times of India masthead which says ‘Let Hatahath, Naro Va Kunjaro Va’ which
Truth Prevail’. The Government of India’s means though Ashwatthama had died, but
says ‘Satyamev Jayate - Truth Alone it is not certain whether it was a Drona’s
Triumphs’. My school motto was ‘Satyala son or an elephant. While Yudhisthira
Maran Nahi - Truth is Immortal’. I am sure was saying this word, there was a large
if I look around, I would find hundreds of noise of Conches and Dronacharya could
such lofty statements. We make so much not hear the full sentence. Assuming that
of brouhaha about the truth and draw his son had died, Guru Dronacharya got
parallels, morals and every possible end disheartened and laid down his weapons.
of storyline. Today, the major challenge Dhristadyumna killed him.
in reporting news is interpreting the What would you classify this as???
truth, which is no longer dictated by any Misinformation, lies, half-truth. But this
authority but is networked by peers. For sentence of Yudhisthira changed the
every fact there is a counter fact, and facts outcome of the war.