Page 37 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 37

combination of data and digital
                                                            technology to make better decisions
                                                            and improve the quality of life. More
                                                            comprehensive, real-time data explains
                                                            how demand patterns are changing and
                                                            responds promptly and appropriately.
                                                             Some cities have the edge over others in
                                                            starting their transformational journey
                                                            with some inherent advantages – deep
                                                            pockets, lower per-capita population
         Electromagnetic car parking sensors can indicate where   density, and willingness to invest in
         open parking is located on city streets
                                                            high-touch technologies. But even places
          Now that we have the background, let us           that lack this support can set themselves
         see what it means. By installing sensors           apart with the vision to innovate and
         in the streets that identify empty parking         adapt, good management, and a relentless
         slots, proactively inform the motorists            commitment to meeting the needs of
         about traffic jams, offer an estimated time        residents. In such cases, I would argue
         to public commuters, promptly getting              that their canvas has a lot of blank space
         an ambulance in case of an emergency,              to innovate to bring new technology on
         measure air, and water quality. The                board. In addition, the opportunities to
         sensors could reduce the amount of street          engage with the citizens are immense.
         lighting when there aren’t any people              Individuals should be empowered to
         around and thus save electricity. A smart          shape the future of the cities they call
         city uses GPS sensors to improve the               home.
         urgent medical needs of its citizens. Even          Smart cities across the globe are at
         the traffic lights detect ambulances and           the crossroads where cutting-edge
         urgent needs of any vehicular traffic.             technology and urban planning would
         Emergency services can manoeuvre                   have to co-exist, supporting each other to
         more smoothly throughout the city                  make it more profound.
         and avoid any traffic mess! Using the               The bottom line is that Innovative
         data, the citizens can send information            adaptation helps smart cities and model
         about broken potholes, malfunctioning              them as evolving organisms that must
         streetlights, overflowing dustbins, broken         respond to challenges the environment
         sewage, etc. That way, the authorities             presents. Smart cities created by their
         can send out a team to fix the issue as            CITIZENS produce better outcomes
         soon as it is spotted. The data collected          for their CITIZENS! It is the capacity
         on a real-time basis about all kinds of            to adapt that makes a city smart, not
         things like traffic, water, air quality, and       so much a particular set of resources
         solar radiation. With this information,            that it can deploy to do so. Let us not
         the government can be on ‘its feet’ to             forget that natural adaptation requires
         solve nearly any problem in real time by           a degree of sustainability. After all, it is
         maximising social inclusion.                       the COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE that
          Smart cities offer an unparalleled                leads to COLLECTIVE WISDOM.

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