Page 32 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 32

Apply pressure on your nailbed, draining           all good.
         it of blood. If it doesn’t refill within 2 to 3    If you are exposed to heat, increase your
         seconds, it could be a sign of dehydration.        fluid intake. Try consuming drinks with
         Treatment                                          electrolytes, like coconut water, lemon juice
         The most important treatment is to                 or sports drinks.
         replenish not only the lost water, but salt         Similarly, if you are an athlete,
         and electrolytes as well. If only water is         or frequently workout, your fluid
         replaced, the symptoms might persist.              requirements will be more than others.
         Encourage the person to have small sips of         Adjust liquids accordingly.
         fluids – preferably with electrolytes.              Where children or elderly people are
         They can suckle ice popsicles, which will          concerned, be extra cautious- keep
         also moisturize the mouth and tongue.              hydrating them frequently.
         Sipping through a straw is a good option for        Limit your exposure to heat, and dress in
         those on bed.                                      loose clothing.
          In emergency, mix a spoonful of salt              Try to avoid alcohol, especially if it’s very
         and sugar to water and administer to the           hot, as alcohol causes loss of fluids from the
         patient.                                           body.
          If they have been exposed to heat, reduce         Some foods and drinks that are very good
         the amount of clothing they wear.                  alternatives to water are:
         Maintain a cool atmosphere, like an air
         conditioned room, to reduce heat.
          Place a wet towel on the person’s forehead.
         Be careful NOT to give icy water quickly,
         as it might increase dehydration by
         constricting the blood vessels further.
         If the person seems disoriented or semi-
         conscious, hospitalization is required,
         where fluids and electrolytes can be given
          If children are affected, do not hesitate to      Coconut water
         seek medical assistance, as their health can       Coconut water is one of the best alternatives
         deteriorate suddenly. This also holds true         to plain water. Not only is it refreshing, it is
         for elderly people.                                very rich in electrolytes and can replenish
         Prevention                                         any that you may have lost. Drink it slowly
         As we all know, prevention is always better        instead of guzzling it down, for better
         than cure…here are a few suggestions for           results. Try to have fresh coconut water;
         keeping yourself hydrated.                         if you’re depending on packaged coconut
          Always keep a bottle of water within              water, be sure to check the ingredients and
         reach; if it’s in front of you, chances are you    avoid any with added sugar.
         will drink it.                                     Milk
          Include fruits and veggies with high              Milk is a very healthy drink, rich in
         water content in your diet – watermelons,          electrolytes, proteins and carbs. It also has
         cantaloupe, and green leafy vegetables are         a small quantity of sodium, which helps in

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