Page 25 - Seniors Today
P. 25
difficult to present Shuddha Kalyan in its true
form. Madhayam and Nishad in this Raag are
not shown in Taans by most vocalists. She
showed how they can be skillfully injected.
Sometimes she even touched Ma and Ni in
the Aaroha of Shuddh Kalyan, and made it
especially delightful. Many traditionalists
didn’t like such deviations, however. She
refused to compromise aesthetics for the
sake of grammatical rules. The extent of this
freedom is debatable but that discussion is not
appropriate here. The title “Ganasaraswati”
given by Shankaracharya of Shringeri was
more valuable to her than “Padmavibhushan”
awarded by the Indian government. Even the
title of “Swaradevata” would be insufficient
for her because of the tonal accuracy of
her voice of the highest degree. She used
to be restless until the Taanpuras were set
perfectly. She wasn’t bothered if that made
the music.” I am infinitely indebted to her for the concert schedule run late. A few years ago,
giving me this insight and sensitivity to “Sur” Taai asked me to show the World true form
in music. of Jaipur Gayaki. She asked me to conduct
Since there was only a 12-year difference lecture demonstration of Jaipur Gharana. As
between my age and Taai’s, apart from per her wishes I presented a three hour long
rigorous one-on-one training, we used to program in Pune University. I continued that
spend hours discussing nuances of Raagas, programme in the US for several years.
their specific Shrutis (microtones of main After 1980, Kishoritai gave up the insistence
notes), aesthetic treatment of singing the of presenting all 8 elements of Indian
Asthayi Aantaras, tandem relationship Khayal music (“Ashtangas”). Adherence to
between Sur and Taal, and the special way in “Ashtangas” was, in her opinion, restrictive to
which pronunciation of the words had to be creativity. She even took a stance that Taan, as
interlinked with the rhythm. one of the most important of these Ashtangas,
On occasion, Taai would deviate from the was also not necessary for the aesthetics
strict grammar of the Raag while she was of the Raag, and should take a secondary
deep in the exploration of notes. If I pointed role. So she reduced singing the long, multi
out that deviation, she would graciously layered and undulating Taan patterns that are
accept it, but would explain her thought characteristic of Jaipur Gharana. I find myself
behind making such deviations to enhance fortunate to have learned Maai’s music while
the aesthetic appeal of such phrases, so long as I was learning from Taai. At that time Taai’s
it did not depart radically from the grammar music used to be a perfect balance of emotive
of the Raag. Her use of Pancham in ascent in beauty and Jaipur Gharana discipline. And
Bageshree is objectionable to many. It is very I am happy to continue to sing in her older