Page 27 - Seniors Today
P. 27

Maharashtra Day celebration. When she
                                                            found out that the organisers in Amritsar
                                                            were holding her money and were breaking
                                                            the contract, she decided to leave without
                                                            getting paid at all. She had given her word
                                                            to Maharashtra Day and that was more
                                                            important to her than to get paid by people
                                                            who had broken her trust.
                                                             Keeping her calm and providing moral
                                                            support to her was often my job. She was
                                                            often very anxious and superstitious about
                                                            her performance. She would pray backstage
                                                            before each concert, and once she got on
                                                            stage and surrendered herself to well-tuned
                                                            Tanpura notes, the storm in her mind would
                                                            calm down. Even if she looked in control and
                                                            detached from the outside, many a time she
                                                            was like a scared puppy inside her heart. Very
                                                            few people got to see that. These few incidents
         as she went through school and college years       show her strong principles and her softer and
         in Mumbai. A loving, caring heart like Taai’s      sensitive side.
         is a rarity. She was proud of, and devoted to,      I am not a writer. I am an engineer by early
         Maai. She cared for her two sons, Nihar and        training, now Chairman Emeritus of Jacobs
         Bibhas, with intense love. She had exceptional     Engineering India, and also a devotee and
         devotion to God and never missed her daily         student of the Jaipur Gharana. I have penned
         pooja. She was always modestly and simply          down my sincere, heartfelt thoughts written
         dressed with minimum accessories. She was          after a careful study of Kishoritai’s music
         quite superstitious. (She wore the same red        and personality during my 45 years of a
         Sari for at all her concert till it was worn out).   close association with her as a disciple and
         She felt a little diffident about her darker       a confidant.  Many have written about her
         complexion and her prominent nose but had          music, her personality and her good and bad
         a sense of humour to laugh about it. Krishna’s     traits. I have tried to shed light on some of
         Radha too was dark, she used to say. And she       the lesser known aspects of her music and
         called herself a descendent of Shivaji because     personality.
         of her nose.                                        It seems her famous Bandish “Sahela re”
          Taai was always true to commitments               is still calling. I am still in shock after she
         she made. She had a special loyalty to             entered her heavenly abode, and it is difficult
         Maharashtra. To give an anecdote, at one           to accept that our beloved Kishoritai has left
         time we went to Amritsar for a concert.            us. Ganasaraswati, who endlessly offered
         The organisers refused to pay her the              her worship to Goddess Saraswati through
         pre-determined remuneration unless she             her music, has now merged into the Goddess
         performed one more concert. We had to              herself! The flame has vanished, but the light
         return to Mumbai for another concert for           will shine forever!

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #38 | AUGUST 2022                                                             27
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