Page 29 - Seniors Today
P. 29

Majority of people are Christians (earlier          Air connectivity from most parts of the
         they were nature worshippers) and speak            country can take one up to Guwahati
         various languages, however English is              in Assam and the rest is done by road.
         the official language. Interestingly people        (The more adventurous types fly up to
         of Meghalaya follow a matrilineal system           Baghdogra and then drive on.) The road
         where the lineage and inheritance are              rides are also a great experience as the
         traced through women. The youngest                 roads are good and flanked by robust trees
         daughter of the family inherits all the            and hills on both sides.
         wealth and has to take care of the parents.         The main Wildlife sanctuaries
          A trip to the North East Indian states can        NONGKHYLLEM, BAGHMARA,
         be on the bucket list for many of us and           BALPAKRAM and SIJU host the
         the best thing is that these days there are        carnivorous - insect eating Pitcher Plant.
         many organised trips especially for senior
          Meghalaya is doable for most people as
         its altitude is not very high and can be
         visited most parts of the year except in the
         rainy season. Winters are not too harsh
         either. In the hottest season, temperatures
         remain between 20 and 30 degrees and in
         the winters the lowest hovers around 10            Pitcher Plant
         degrees in the upper regions but the state          The floral diversity hosts a large variety of
         remains lush green and beautiful at most           shrubs, plant species parasites and flowers
         times.                                             especially over 300 types of orchids

         Pebbles in the Dawki                               A beautiful Orchid

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