Page 46 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 46

No credentials presentation for Mohammed,            Don Draper’s Mad Men against today’s Math
        he didn’t believe in them like the large agencies.    Men. (Thank God for Don that he escaped this ).
        Our creds were 12 little chits put into a top hat      So it’s hello Data. Hello Content. Goodbye,
        (bought from Crawford Market). The chits had          good writing. Goodbye language. Goodbye flair
        the names of our clients. Pick any one of these       and personality. Goodbye Courage. Goodbye
        and I will show you the work he would say.            Intuition. Goodbye entrepreneurship. Goodbye
        Confident that every client’s work was as good        Creativity as we know it. Bye-bye pink gins.
        as the next one. Guts! Not like the ad men of          Maybe the advertising business should move
        today. Who hide their worst work behind their         smoothly into calculus. I guess it was coming
        awards.                                               with the number of times we used the word
                                                              ‘integrated’, I knew we were unconsciously
        From Madness to Sanity                                nudging ‘integral’. It had to come to this.
        ‘Perhaps to be too practical is Madness?’ -            Goodbye Advertising. God Bless. It was lovely
        Miguel De Cervantes in Man of la Mancha               knowing you while it was the best fun you could
        Mike Khanna. Sane. Calm. Controlled. Shy.             have with your clothes on. I still love you.
        Introspective. Introvert. Quiet Rage. Learnt
        everything there was to learn about advertising
        and about managing an agency. Gutsy like hell
        again. What was it about these guys? Where
        did all that courage come from? Once a client
        threatened to speak to Mike Khanna because
        I had refused to do a job with an impossible
        deadline. He just calmly told the client “If
        Prabhakar Mundkur says it can’t be done, it
        can’t be done.” Faith in your people. Courage to
        call a spade a spade with the client. Confidence.

        From Mad Men to Math Men
        “We are not in the advertising business any
        more,” proclaimed Sir Martin Sorrell some
        time ago, like some Nostradamus predicting the
        death of advertising as we know it. “Don Draper
        wouldn’t recognise Adland,” he said, pitting

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