Page 29 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 29
Garlic boosts immunity, improves
cardiovascular health, and it is good for hair and
Beets come with high levels of minerals,
antioxidants, and minerals. These deep red
superstars can lower homocysteine levels,
reduce risk for heart disease, strengthen various
organs, and prevent cancer.
Eggplants taste wonderful, and they are loaded
with vitamins, nasunin, antioxidants, minerals,
and flavonoids. These purple beauties help
improve circulation, lower cholesterol, prevent
blood clots, and bring down risk for heart
Broccoli is excellent for your cardiovascular
health as the vegetable brings down cholesterol
and strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to its
sulforaphane content, it has anti-inflammatory
properties and helps the prevention of blood
sugar-related chronic problems.
Carrots are excellent heart-healthy vegetables.
They help improve vision, though they also
fight against free radicals and heart disease.
Carrots are full of nutrients and vitamins that
help combat cancer, as well as improve bone and
cardiovascular health.
29 SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 6