Page 25 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 25

the penis or affect the function of penile
        blood vessels, making it more difficult to get
        an erection. It can also damage the nerves in
        the penis (and elsewhere in the body).
        Diabetes is often associated with high blood
        pressure, high cholesterol and obesity –
        each of these is an independent risk factor
        for erectile dysfunction. Less commonly,
        the lower levels of testosterone in men with
        diabetes may contribute to erectile dysfunc-
        tion.                                                 ED can be caused by certain diseases, so get regular health
         Just as in men without diabetes, psycho-             checkups
        logical issues including “performance anx-            one in ten men.
        iety” can also cause erectile dysfunction or           It seems that erectile dysfunction in young-
        make the situation worse once a man starts            er men is an even stronger predictor of later
        to experience erectile problems.                      cardiovascular disease than in older men.
        In some cases, men presenting with erectile           The link between erectile dysfunction and
        dysfunction may have undiagnosed diabe-               cardiovascular disease is thought to be due
        tes (or hypertension or high cholesterol).            to a common underlying vascular problem.
        A blood glucose test from a doctor, and if            As blood vessels in the penis are smaller,
        levels are high, diabetes treatment, can help         they may be affected earlier than other
        both the erectile problems and other health           parts of the body, such as the heart.
        problems caused by diabetes.                          In this instance, the penis acts as a window
                                                              to the health of the circulatory system.
        ED and cardiovascular disease
        Erectile dysfunction is increasingly being            Getting checked out
        recognised as an early warning sign of                The best way to get help for erectile prob-
        future cardiovascular disease, particularly           lems is to see a doctor to discuss the prob-
        coronary heart disease.                               lem.
         A study has shown about twice the risk of             Undergoing a general health check includ-
        a later cardiovascular event (such as heart           ing measurement of cardiovascular disease
        attack or stroke) in men aged 20 years or             risk factors including diabetes, hyperten-
        older with erectile dysfunction, compared             sion, high lipid levels, smoking, obesity and
        to similarly aged men in the general popu-            low level of physical activity will help.
        lation.                                               As will a discussion of psychosocial issues
         Men with diabetes and erectile dysfunc-              that might be contributing to the problem
        tion also have a higher risk of a subsequent          and the importance of restoring sexual
        cardiovascular event, than other men with             function. In some cases, a testosterone mea-
        diabetes.                                             surement may be done.
         The risk of a cardiovascular event after              Discussions of sexual issues and erectile
        developing erectile dysfunction is similar            function can be challenging for both doctors
        to that of being a smoker or having a family          and men. But understanding more about
        history of coronary heart disease.                    erectile dysfunction, and its links with
        One study has shown that within a year of             other health problems can be a motivating
        the first significant episode of erectile dys-        factor for men to take steps to improve their
        function in men aged 55 years or over, one            erectile function and general health.
        in 50 had a major stroke or heart attack.
        And within five years, it was greater than            Courtesy - The Conversation

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