Page 23 - Seniors Toady March 2020
P. 23

Once she had unfettered access, the                    The zombie had awakened, misbehaved and
       zombiefication was quickly completed and               shamed his master, all at one go, and a new
       truth be told, the first decade of our marriage        strategy was needed to handle him.
       passed off without my realising it. I have             The fourth decade was a period of self-
       no idea how we ended up with three brats               assertion where I actually had the gumption
       (of course I do, but you know what I mean).            to demand to have an opinion of my own
       If there is indeed a seven-year itch, it went          and a compromise formula was arrived

       unscratched. Probably why I made it to the             at allowing me to take even some major
       second decade.                                         decisions, like who would be the next PM.
        The second decade is when I began having
       brief periods of lucidity and started making           Winning strategy
       some sounds of protest at being led by                 One can well imagine the fate of my
       the nose, only to be told to stop being a              declaration that for the sake of peace in
       bad influence on the kids. Now, that’s an              the home, I would henceforth follow the

       argument only a sweet, mild-mannered,                  Faredun Junglewalla doctrine:
       understanding girl would make, never mind              1.If the wife’s decision was absolutely
       that it’s also very manipulative.                      disastrous, it would be shot down
       That shut me up for the rest of the decade             immediately and there would be no further
       and the spell ensured I was quite ok with it.          discussion on the subject.
                                                              2.If the wife’s decision was mildly disastrous,
       Letting it out                                         I would record my objections and let it slide.
       The third decade is when I finally snapped             3.If the decision was merely silly, frivolous
       out of the spell at our 25th. anniversary              or hare-brained; no interference was

       when, under the influence of Shri Johnnie              warranted.
       Walker, I solemnly and loudly let all my                The fact that all I received as blowback was
       relatives know exactly what I thought of               a smirk, should have reminded me that the
       them.                                                  only marital battles I had ever won were the
                                                              ones she had allowed me to win. But men are
                                                              resistant to learning such lessons.
                                                               It was only when all and sundry

                                                              congratulated me on my impeccable taste
                                                              and choice of new showcase, that I realised I
                                                              had not just been outflanked but taken in the
                                                              rear. It just wasn’t possible now to toss out
                                                              that ugly brute, not after such fulsome praise
                                                              of my taste. I might as well have still been her
                                                               In our fifth decade, I have adopted the only
       The fact that most of said relatives were even         strategy I could. Total surrender. She allows

       more under Walker sahab’s benign influence             me some little leeway in decision-making
       and cheered every benediction bestowed                 and I agree loudly with every one of hers.
       upon them and gave me a standing ovation               In fact the only one who argues with Farida
       when I finally fell off the table, was not taken       Aunty is Google Maps Aunty, and that’s only
       into account, and it was the doghouse for me           because she’s still young and doesn’t know
       for the rest of the decade.                            whom she’s tangling with.

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