Page 42 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 42

A.D. It is situated on the left bank of the        portray the mastery of the Solanki cutters
         river Sarasvati, two kms. North- west of           in depicting rhythm, vigour, beauty and
         Patan. Patan was the capital of Gujarat            various moods in stone.  The shaft of the
         for over 600 years between 8th and 14th            well is highly ornamented with intricate
         centuries under the reign of Solanki               carvings and large vertical brackets in pairs
         rulers Bheemdeva, his son Karan Deva               which support the different galleries of the
         and grandson Siddha Raja. At the time,             well. Being a water edifice representation
         Gujarat attained its greatest splendour            of Sheshsayi Vishnu in the shaft of a well at
         and prosperity which is apparent from              various levels is unique.
         structural remains of temples, wells and            The Vav measuring about 64 m long and
         tanks.                                             20 m wide and 27 m deep is laid out in
          Rani Ki Vav is just beside the ancient            the east-west direction. It must have been
         fortification wall of the old city and not         one of the largest and the most admired
         far from the embankment of Sahastraling            structures of its kind at that time and still
         talaav which was excavated much later,             is. It is featured on our Indian currency
         under the command of Siddhraj Jayasimha            note of Rs. 100/-
         of 11th and 12th century. Which was
         another huge water tank to store surplus
         water. Unfortunately nothing much of the
         original remains now.

                                                            The architectural brilliance and elegance of
                                                            the Vav is represented in its pristine glory
                                                            in the ornamental work of the beautifully
                                                            proportioned sculptures of gracefully
                                                            curved Mahisasurmadini, Parvati and
                                                            other Shaiva sculptures. The Dashavatars
          Rani Ki Vav is built up of bricks faced           of Vishnu such as Varah, Vamana, Rama,
         with stones. It has stepped corridors at           Buddha and Kalki,   Bhairava, Ganesha,
         the ground level and leading down to the           Surya, Kubera, Lakshmi-Narayan, Ashta-
         kund. The main components of this well             dikpalas, Apsaras, Nagkanayas, Yogini
         are the entrance, the side walls of the step       etc. which adorn the walls. The female
         corridors, mandapas or multi-storeyed                                figures have been depicted
         pillared pavilions and the back walls of the                         in various poses with
         well. Each storey has its roof supported                             extreme beauty and grace.
         on pillars with a square base decorated                              The carvings and their
         with ghat pallav motives and quadruple                               subjects are very much
         brackets at the top having four armed                                similar to the work at
         kichakas.                                                            Modhera and other places,
          The walls flanking the staircase and                                as they were patronized by
         sculptures within the walls of the well                              the same family and built

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