Page 43 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 43

almost simultaneously.                             Vikram Sawant 1083 which corresponds to
          The well had been visited by British              1026 1027 A.D., during the reign of Solanki
         travellers in the first half of the 19th           King Bheemdeva I. The date of erection
         century. Henry Cousens and James Burgess           is almost 1000 years old. Modhera’s
         who visited the stepwell at Patan in 1886          grandeur was first described by the British
         and found that the well was completely             archaeologists James Burgess and Henry
         filled up with earth and only the back             Cousens in the early 20th century.
         wall of the well and pillars of Toran were          The temple consists of three separate
         visible. An early account is found in James        elements: The main temple-complex,
         Tod’s travels in Western India stating that        including sanctum (Gudha Mandap) lateral
         materials of this well were used in building       transepts and porch. Second is a detached
         another well in Patan known as Barot Ni            assembly hall (Sabha Mandapa or Nritya
         Vav.                                               Mandapa) with a torana in front and third,
                                                            a large rectangular masonry tank 175 by
         MODHERA – THE SUN TEMPLE                           120 ft decorated with numerous miniature
         Modhera is situated 75 km to the northwest         shrines. Locally known as Ramakunda,
         of Ahmedabad and 35 km from Mehsana                approached through a grand flight of steps
         in North Gujarat. The old Solanki capital          from all four sides. The tank has about 108
         of Patan is situated 40 km to the north            small temples which contain the relief of
         of Modhera this is an ancient township             various deities.
         referred to in The Puranas as Dharma Yana.
          The Sun Temple Modhera is located on the
         left bank of the river Pushmaavati,
         a tributary of River Rupan in Bechraji
         Taluka of Mehsana District. The literal
         meaning of Modhera is Mount of the Dead.
         Modhera is sometimes called ‘Mundera’
         the original settlement of the Modha
         Brahmins. For air travellers Ahmedabad is
         a convenient option to reach Modhera.               The sanctum has an arrangement of
          This Temple ranks next only to the                elegantly decorated pillars with exquisite
         Sun Temple of Konark and is one of the             ornamentation. The outer walls of the
         finest examples of temple architecture in          Sanctum are relieved by niches containing
         Gujarat. It is built on a platform facing east.    the images of 12 Adityas, (Aditya is
         Archaeologists found a stone inscribed with        another name for the Sun) panels of Ashta-
                                                            Dikpalas, different forms of Gauri, dancing
                                                            Apsaras, musicians etc. (The dikpalas in
                                                            Hinduism are guardian gods presiding
                                                            over the directions of space. The eight
                                                            dikpalas are as follows: East is Indira,
                                                            South East = Agni, South = Yama, West
                                                            = Varuna, South West = Nirrti, North =
                                                            Kubera, North West = Vayu and North East

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