Page 7 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 7

If ever there was a win-win situation, the         Modi. The message was: clean, corruption-
         Lok Sabha 2024 election was probably               free governance. In fact, if anyone was
         the biggest in recent times. The BJP won,          setting up a factory, Mr Modi would
         yet it didn’t truly triumph. The Congress-         ensure that someone would follow up
         INDIA coalition got large numbers, yet             and confirm that things were progressing
         their victory wasn’t enough to give them           smoothly. No other state offered this level
         the power to govern. The real winner was           of administration. Remarkably, even
         clearly the Indian voter.                          the common man had access to the Chief
          The Indian electorate has matured, and            Minister, which served as a deterrent to
         this election is evidence that rhetoric            potential bribe-seekers.
         alone no longer suffices. The dance of              Amidst both praise and criticism, there
         democracy is well understood, and the              is no denying that Mr Modi’s leadership
         electorate knows its steps. We now have            style and determination to propel India
         a strong government and a reasonably               forward have garnered attention, not only
         robust Opposition. The responsibility of           within the nation but also on the global
         ensuring effective and smooth governance           stage. His achievements have solidified his
         now lies with both sides. Mere numerical           position as one of India’s most influential
         strength in Parliament is not enough to            and impactful leaders, following in the
         guarantee a successful term for the nation.        footsteps of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and
         The onus for achieving that rests on both          Indira Gandhi. He is a leader known to all
         the government and the Opposition. As the          Indians—whether in cities, small towns or
         ruling party, the NDA bears the greater            rural areas. His following is one that very
         responsibility.                                    few leaders have achieved on the national
          We need peacemakers from both sides.              stage. I have watched on television the
         The NDA must take the lead, making                 roadshows that Mr Modi participated in,
         sincere and genuine overtures to the               with thousands of people lining the streets,
         Opposition to resolve issues and foster an         waving and cheering for him.
         atmosphere of goodwill.                             Among the Indian diaspora, Mr Modi
                                                            is a popular leader, as evidenced by the
                                                            sheer number of people who attend his
                                                            events. Critics might claim that the BJP
                                                            works diligently behind the scenes to boost
                                                            attendance, but the fact remains that people
                                                            do show up, filling stadiums to capacity.

           The decisive leadership of Mr Narendra
          Modi was a breath of fresh air when he
          took charge in 2014. As the Chief Minister
          of Gujarat, Mr Modi tolerated no nonsense                                                           Image Courtesy:
          and kept the bureaucracy in check. Every
          secretary was on call between 9 and 9:30 in
          the morning, available for queries from Mr

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #62 | AUGUST 2024                                                             7
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